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Old 03-29-2011, 04:06 PM   #194 (permalink)
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Default I go to sleep, and mannnn...catch up en masse!
Stuck inside with Sirius | *Splish-Splash* | bamBAM | ☁ Spooktacular ☁

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post

"Follow my voiiiiice." Jim suggested in what was supposed to be a 'disimbodied voice' sort of tone. Or something.

"I'm staking out the buffet." He said this bit between bites.
Spike laughed, from behind the trophy. "You're definitely real, Jimmy?" As in, not a ghost. Because that voice had momentarily sounded quite ghost-like. And with the current state of his eyes, Spike thought it best to check.

...There again, if Jimmy was eating, then he had to be real. Spike gave a sigh of relief at his own realisation. Wasn't much good being a ghost, and not being able to touch and hold things. Or have proper food.

Food. His stomach gurgled again.

"Can you direct me to something good?" Sausages maybe. Or a decent sandwich. It was all just a foody blur to Spike, and he had no desire to have a handful of dip.
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
"How're you going to enjoy the party if you have a death grip on it?" For real. It would be hard to eat with it. And it would get heavy after a while, wouldn't it?

Heh. He was SO cute, though. cute.

Ellie eyed him a bit. "Good." Be cheered. Eat.

Her appetite hadn't come back, yet. Hopefully it would before the party was over, though. The food looked amazing.

She released Spike. "Seriously. Go get something to eat. I promise the trophy will still be here when you get back." Promise.
"Easily," replied Spike determinedly. For a start, it gave him something to do other than make polite conversation or dance. Two things he never allowed to do when his parents were entertaining. Not that he'd want particularly to do either - and he wasn't sure that this celebration was quite like that, but still...he knew the drill, and it was a great diversionary tactic if necessary.

"And I don't have a death grip on it..." he added after a moment's thought. Though he might admit it would get heavy at some point later though, especially if he hugged it against his bruised ribs too much. But then, he was only little, and maybe one of the big strong boys would give him a piggy back to help? Cos that'd be fun, being so big and tall and above everyone whilst holding the trophy. He'd be the tallest in the room!

"I'm goingggg..." Spike replied to Ellie with a sigh. "But the trophy is coming with me. I'll manage." Somehow.

Originally Posted by princess of*hp* View Post
Amadeus grinned at Finlay as he joined them all on the dance floor. He stopped his ridiculous running man as the music changed. "Well," He addressed Vashti, "You could always do the twist." He smirked, knowing that there would be no way for her to refuse to dance now. Hm. Maybe it was a partner that she needed? "Spike!" Deus called to him, waving his hand at the braveheart of the Ravenclaw team. The curly-headed kid didn't look too privy to dancing, but a lightbulb flicked on in the blonde's head that would probably be a surefire way to get most everyone dancing. "Vashti needs a partner!" It was hard to keep the smirk from his lips.

Although it was true that he was a solo dancer, he didn't mind it one bit. It was too irksome to have to lead someone in the ways of the jig, and even more irritating to have to follow another's lead.
Huh? he was just about get food, and he heard Amadeus somewhere in the group of dancers. He returned a wave with a smile, before he realised the 'Spike' and 'Vashti needs a partner' bits were connected.

He shook his curls. "Maybe later? My stomach is telling me food is order right now." Perfect excuse. For now, at least. "Sorry Vashti," he added, in case the lacking of a partner was a problem.

Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Hearing Spikes voice from amongst the crowd, peering over Finlay's shoulder Emily saw a black eyed Spike clutching the trophy to his chest- at least it was in safe hands. "Don't worry Spike, I have an extra special hug for you later", she said winking at him. He really was a wonderful little kid, he had guts.
"I'll be waiting..." he replied with a grin.

Now. Food. For real, this time. Where were the sausages? Or cake? He could quite easily just skip to the cake part.
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