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Old 03-29-2011, 05:54 AM   #187 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrew James Preston
Seventh Year

Melly Bean | aussiegirl | a Supernatural freak

SPOILER!!: Treyen
Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post

The life? Really? It's not like he traveled that much. And...well, he'd rather go to many more places each summer, but there wasn't much time to spare between Quidditch games and getting ready for Hogwarts, right?

He failed to comment, because he could blush very easily if he said something about it. The traveling part.

But, oh, Australia! "Oh, no, I know where we went, we have pictures and all, it was...Canberra, Sydney and Wagga Wagga." Like, the Wagga Wagga Werewolf story, yes, that one. Unfortunately, he couldn't remember if he'd like any of those best.



He didn't even know that Mia had a boyfriend, haha, but if Russia was something like Romania, then he wouldn't like it as much. Not that it mattered, since Mia was the one going over there this summer, "Oh, I didn't know you had a boyfriend, I'm assuming he doesn't study here at Hogwarts, right?" it was a simple 'Yes' or 'No' kind of question, so, in reality, he wasn't meddling or anything. "Well, I hope you have a great time, in that case," though, it was perfectly clear that she WILL be having a good time, no? Whether she liked Russia or not.

Did she say something else? Probably not. It was just a cough, no?

Oh he did remember where he went. "Ah so you visited the Capital of Australia and the Capital of New South Wales. Nice." Not sure why he would want to go to Wagga though but each to their own. "How did you enjoy those places? If you can you should try going to Queensland. Much, much nicer." Of course she was biased since that's where she lived but they did have the best weather and perfect lifestyle. Well if you were a muggle anyway.

Why was he looking at her like that?

Oh. Right. Mia shook her head at his question. "No he graduated last year. And he went to Durmstrang...well except for last year when he came to Hogwarts for the TWT." That should just about explain it all.

"Thank you Treyen. And I hope you enjoy your holiday in England."

SPOILER!!: Marie
Originally Posted by The1HBIC View Post
Marie sorta laughed at Evelyn. The girl was acting as if she thought Marie was dead. It had only been a slight case of Dragon Pox... no big deal. "Yeah thanks, I'm glad I'm better too." Cuz yeah, she could get out and about now.

Marie wrinkled her nose when Mia mentioned the house cup. The mere thought of losing to Gryffindor made her cringe. "Maybe I should go do some homework or something, you know to try and get my house at least one cup this term." Sure the end of term was near but that didn't mean she couldn't still get her house some points.

Looking back to Treyen she smiled... again. "Well you guys did play a good game today." Although Jake was way off his game. She had never seen a match where the boy didn't get at least one snitch.

When her friends started talking amongst themselves she took the opportunity to look around. Maybe she would find some of her other friends and go chat with them...

Or maybe the first person her eyes would land on would be Jim and Neptune. Only thing, Neptune was hanging on Finn. Well that's not how it's supposed to go. She didn't break up with Jim so Neptune could hang on Finlay. She was tempted to go over there and thump both of them in the head. It was so obvious how they felt about each other, why were they being so damn stubborn about it?

Oh, now Neptune was hanging on... Lexi. Yeah, Marie would just stay where she was... even though she still wanted to congratulate Finn and Jim too on his team winning the cup. Oh well, she would just find him later, or maybe sneak in a hug and congratulations when he wasn't surrounded by all those people.

Was she serious?

And wasn't that something Evelyn would say?

"You want to give up being able to relax and have a good time to go back and do more study. Marie, you alone won't be able to win Slytherin the cup." So like chill. "So how did things go with James?"

She had noticed the look on the Ravenclaw's face and his poor attempt at flirting with the girls.

SPOILER!!: Evelyn
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Hmmm, what? Perhaps she had something wrong but…she was getting a slight negative vibe here. Then again, she was near people she didn’t know so that could have been the problem too. More than likely it was. However, this wasn’t the best place to discuss it? Discuss WHAT though? "Well…we can go somewhere else I suppose." She said, shrugging her shoulders some as she glanced around the room. What was Mia looking at? "Whenever of course. Up to you."

Yet, her attention was turned to not only one hufflepuff boy, but two hufflepuff boys. Meh, no, she was not going to be dancing. "Yes." She nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Treyen. Oh. Ohhhhh. Huh. Yea. "Thank you." Hmmm. "Do you by any chance…know…who did that to me?" Having been stuck in her common room and failed to remember to ask anybody until now, the Slytherin girl was rather INTERESTED in knowing who gave her a gash on her head.

On another note, regardless of her moody attitude about Slytherin not winning the quidditch cup, she was rather happy that Marie was up and about. "Does Destiny know that you're okay?" she asked, raising a brow. Did Stalker Dude know!? Had Marie told ANYONE that she was alright!? Or was Evelyn the last person to know?

Frown-y face.

Of course Mia immediately regretted her attitude towards Evelyn but it felt like she was forever listening to others and trying to help them but not really getting much in return.

She just wanted to go home.

Nodding her head at the Slytherin, Mia gestured with her hand and pointed outside. "I think I a nice walk outside would be good. In say about an hour?" That was enough time for her to have something to eat and show her support for Hufflepuff.
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