Originally Posted by
Syd (:
Mhmm. He shouldn't even had mentioned the fact that he could dance. He looked around half-heartedly, not really looking for anything.
Aaand okay, she brought it on herself. Dallin couldn't help it, now. "Do you want to dance with me?"
He wasn't sure what he expected. Laughing? Giggling? A blank stare? Nothing?
Ellie chewed on her lip some, considering his question.
"But, Dallin, how am I supposed to see you dance, if I'm dancing with you?" And that was the question. Whether he could show her that he could dance or not.
Oh! Wait! Camera!
She could ask Spike or...even Jacob or someone to take a picture. Then she could
see and dance at the same time!
Ellie spun around to face the table, to pick up her camera...
It..wasn't there. Of course it wasn't there.