Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Did it? Did it really sound like Jake? Neptune's nose wrinkled. She didn't really know that about him. He'd always been pretty straight forward with her. Ehhh.
But how was she supposed to focus on that at all when Lexi was telling this .... tale.
"You did...what?" Neptune covered her mouth and just HAD to giggle a little. "That's horrible, Lexi. What's so bad about singing though...?" Maybe you just had to be there. She pat-patted Lexi on the shoulder.
Neptune was sort of hungry for snitch-shaped cake. Just saying.
No that wasn't the bad part... it was impromptu, I went to the dais by myself at first because everyone else was too afraid, Tate came to rescue me from the gassy greatness that is Lord Borr, and then it just all went downhill from there," she said with a sigh. "
I love to sing. I sang to Salander for Valentine's Day," she said with a smile. Speaking OF!
Lexi cast a glance around in search of her boyfriend... it wasn't like him to not show up for something Quidditch related. Sadface. He must be busy.
Lexi then gave a little shrug and ran her free hand through her hair. "
What you wanna do? Grab some food or something? Go set fire to something... Okay, I was totally kidding that time." Unless, ya know, you WANT to.