Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Neptune wrinkled her nose. The whole Borr thing that she did NOT get invited to? THAT whole thing? HMPH. It probably WAS really dumb. But, of course, Neptune DID want to hear all the details about it. She had kind of thought Jake would tell her...
...But Lexi would certainly do. Hadn't anyone brought her something back from that? No?
"I'm fine. It's probably nothing." Or it was like she had said and he did break up with her. Neptune shrugged her shoulder haughtily. "He's probably just avoiding me." That's why he wasn't at this party, even though she'd totally come to see him, broken up or not.
And Finny. Few other people that were all into this Quidditch nonsense.
"That's all I wanted, really. To know if you had heard things. Suppose we should... party?" Ehh. A celebration of barbarism at its best.
Lexi nodded her head. Jake did avoid things. A lot. As far as she could remember anyway. "
Avoiding... that sounds like Jake." Mhm. Girl power and all that. She would hate on any boy that upset her friend... except for Jim. Anymore anyway.
She had heard nothing. She had been avoiding people since she got back herself. "
We had to sing to Lord Borr. It was terrible. He was so mean to Headmaster Tate. He was mean to us all, really. I called him an old wind bag, though and he yelled for Security. I was mortified. I tried so hard to NOT be rude and that came out. I spent the rest of the party crying underneath a table," she admitted to her friend. So. Embarrassing.