Originally Posted by
Mad Eye Touz
Neptune wasn't going agree or disagree on her degree of worry. She'd been incapacitated by it, blinded. Fear for Jim had turned her stupid and careless.
But she did have to correct Marie - again - on WHO should have been there. "No. I didn't. I ..." just... Jimmy would have ... Neptune cut those thoughts off. Didn't matter now because Neptune HAD left. With JAKE. Didn't do any good to dwell.
I know I don't stand a chance of Jim ever caring for me the way he cares for you.
Neptune spun around, somehow managing to look MORE confused than she was before. And maybe a splash indignant. THAT just wasn't TRUE.
"You what?" No. Really. REALLY. What? Neptune Bott ... blinked rapidly and breathed very little. That was ... that was EXACTLY what Neptune had tried not to do. Since that day over the summer when Jim had said those things and told her about his exclusive girlfriend she'd TRIED to not...
"You can't do that. Please. Please, Marie, don't do that. Not because of me..." yeahh...... she was pleading a bit. Ehh.
Well now, this is another unexpected reaction from Neptune. The girl was practically begging Marie not to break up with Jim because of her. Where was that coming from? She thought for sure Neptune would be gloating by now. Didn't matter though, it had been done. She had told Jim it was time for them to go their separate ways so he could figure out what his heart really felt.
Besides, Marie didn't do this
because of Neptune.
"It's too late Neptune, It's done." Jim was no longer her boyfriend, he was free to do whatever he wanted to do. Not that he hadn't been free to do what he wanted when she was his girlfriend.
"I didn't do it for or because of you, I did it for HIM. I want him to be able to figure out what his heart wants, without me interfering in his life... I just want him to be happy." Yeah, that's how much she cared about him. She would rather see him happy than herself right now.
Marie couldn't stay there any longer. She needed to get out of there. Go somewhere and run or something. Wherever she went she just needed to be alone right now.
Turning to face Neptune one last time she couldn't stop the tears from falling.
"I really am sorry for the way I treated you and I hope that you and Jim are able to work out whatever it is you need to work out. Just please, do me one favor. Whatever happens... take care of his heart and make sure he's happy." She was sure Neptune would succeed at this better than she had. After all, she was the one Jim loved.
Wiping the tears from her eyes she turned to leave. Where she was going she had no clue. She just knew it wasn't going to be to her next class.