So. Many. People. To. Respond. To: Rachie, Em, Brigette, Beth Lady Lem|DJ Melfoy|Braedeus ♥ Stumble|Bebé Melón|B2|Andee & Melsse|Melephone
Amadeus grinned at Finlay as he joined them all on the dance floor. He stopped his ridiculous running man as the music changed. "Well," He addressed Vashti, "You could always do the twist." He smirked, knowing that there would be no way for her to refuse to dance now. Hm. Maybe it was a partner that she needed? "Spike!" Deus called to him, waving his hand at the braveheart of the Ravenclaw team. The curly-headed kid didn't look too privy to dancing, but a lightbulb flicked on in the blonde's head that would probably be a surefire way to get most everyone dancing. "Vashti needs a partner!" It was hard to keep the smirk from his lips.
Although it was true that he was a solo dancer, he didn't mind it one bit. It was too irksome to have to lead someone in the ways of the jig, and even more irritating to have to follow another's lead.