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"I'd better," warned Spike, as Finn stole Emily away to dance. Or did she steal Finn? Whatever, Spike wasn't going to forget about that owed hug. No he wasn't.
Nor would he go on the dance floor to go get it...
Finally Spike managed to spy a blurry Jimmy, and, after adjusting his hold on the trophy, gave him a wave. "There's food?" Spike's eyes would have widened if they could, and his stomach let out a large rumble. Apparently the older guy was right. Trophy carrying was hungry work. And the Quidditch bit too.
With a sheepish look down at his stomach, Spike looked back up at Jimmy. "And where I might I find said food?"
"Follow my voiiiiice." Jim suggested in what was supposed to be a 'disimbodied voice' sort of tone. Or something.
"I'm staking out the buffet." He said this bit between bites.