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She missed the wink. Which would've confused her anyway. But she did hear his sigh. That was just unacceptable. No sighing. "Cheer up, you," Ellie said, nudging him with he non-Spike arm.
They'd just won what in Merlin's name could he possibly be sighing about?
Cheer up? Obligingly Jimmy plastered a smile on his face but it was a bit strained.
"I'm cheered. I've got food." Right. He gestured at the buffet as if it was ALL HIS.
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"Yeah...Finally." Finlay grinned, nicking a miniature sandwich from him. "I was beginning to think I'd lost you." And that would be so tragic considering that he'd known Jimmy since he was little. "Glad you're better though" Very glad. Now they could go and enjoy Summer together, like good best friends did.
Oooh....Emily was going to dance was she? Finn smirked, and would've offered to join her, but some of the othes had gone, so he stayed where he was.....and looked cool.
... Finn got a glare for the sandwich theft, but there was plenty more so Jim just grabbed another.
"And what
would you do without me?" What would ANYONE do without him? Really?
... Well, Marie would probably find someone else to snog, but aside from her.
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""Do I hear...a Jimmy?" Spike asked, a smile spreading back on to his face. He tried to work out where the voice was, so he could see the blurry outline just to check it really was Jimmy, all healed and better. That resulted in him spinning round on the spot rather haphazardedly, and it was probably a good thing that Ellie's arm was still round him, and Finn was nearby. Tripping over one's feet, even with bad eyesight, was NOT the COOL way to go about a celebratory party. Especially when near two uber-cool dudes in Finn and Jimmy.
"Sup Spike, my man." Jimmy heard his name and raised a mini sandwich in greeting. "You should eat something, you know to fuel yourself for all trophy lugging. S'hard work, that."