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Old 03-28-2011, 04:39 PM   #130 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
"You were incredible." He really was. Good day for everyone on the team.


"Maybe you could set the trophy by the cake," Ellie suggested. It wasn't like he was supposed to hold it the WHOLE time. Plus, it would look very nice there.
Spike grinned. Miss Ellie had called him incredible. Even though he hadn't managed to actually get a shot in today. He'd made some good passes to the others though, right?

The grin faltered though. Put. The Trophy. Down? He stared at her. "Jacob said I had to look after it," he said. And for once, the young boy had both listened to his Captain, and was going to do what he said. Taking it from his head, he hugged it again. "Don't want someone trying to be sneaky with it, do we?" His face was stubborn. Or trying to be. It hurt his eyes to narrow them properly. The result was probably rather amusing.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
"Yeah sure am. Finally." He made a face. Finn knew better than almost anyone that Jimmy wasn't one to enjoy being cooped up for long periods, especially when it was enforced and he had no choice in the matter.

He grinned tiredly and helped himself to a great big handful of miniature sandwiches.
Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
"Good...." Because Finn would've felt a little bad if he had like not been okay. And the whole team probably would've killed him if like the trophy had been ruined. "We aree Spikee!" And they were totally so awesome, everyone should like totally worship then. That would be soo cool. Finlay glanced around, looking at who was here. Yup...they all should totally worship the ravenclaw team.

[COLOR="darkgreen"]"Yeah...Finally." Finlay grinned, nicking a miniature sandwich from him. "I was beginning to think I'd lost you." And that would be so tragic considering that he'd known Jimmy since he was little. "Glad you're better though" Very glad. Now they could go and enjoy Summer together, like good best friends did.
""Do I hear...a Jimmy?" Spike asked, a smile spreading back on to his face. He tried to work out where the voice was, so he could see the blurry outline just to check it really was Jimmy, all healed and better. That resulted in him spinning round on the spot rather haphazardedly, and it was probably a good thing that Ellie's arm was still round him, and Finn was nearby. Tripping over one's feet, even with bad eyesight, was NOT the COOL way to go about a celebratory party. Especially when near two uber-cool dudes in Finn and Jimmy.
Originally Posted by Hera View Post
After snuggling into Finn's chest she pulled away, "Of course my hugs are good, I'm also pretty epic." she said. "But if you are that epic, then you can show me with your moves!" she said pulling him closer to her on the dancefloor. Now the party was heating up! What with Deus, Vashti, herself and now Finn tearing it up on the dance floor.
Hugs? Epic hugs were being given? And Spike was being missed out. "Ahem," he coughed pointedly. Just because he was hidden behind a trophy and couldn't exactly see them, didn't say he wanted to be left out of it.

Dancing on the other hand...he'd definitely give that a miss.
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