Originally Posted by
Cassiopia Malfoy
So, now I'm left wondering, can I hug Voldemort? o_O
I'd hug Tom Riddle. He was handsome, theennnn.
And wow, Jenna is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally brave saying all that stuff to Voldemort's face, I'd be running for my life at the sight of him unfortunately, well, either that or hiding in a corner.
So would I. Running or hiding in a corner.
I loooooove the update, it's verrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyy awesome! Voldemort and Jenna are hysterical characters, gotta love them! Amazing job Maxi! *claps*
Thank yooou. <3 *snugs*
I always did wonder what it'd be like if someone spoke back to Voldemort/ Tom Riddle, and he let them.
