Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean Quote:
Originally Posted by Michael White Walking in to the great hall Mikey wanted to make a point of stopping by and congraulating the Ravenclaw's.Seeing one of the players he walks up "Hey sorry to interupt yall but I didnt get a chance to congratulate you on winning it was a great game,I thought we really had a chance but I didnt think it was going to be a snowball's chance that was truly a good old fashion beating" Adjusting his bag so he could shake the older boys hand "Your Finn Right,I Mikey" Oh...there was someone else now. Ahh. Congratulating him over the win. Well he hadn't really played, but still. "Yup. I'm Finn." Man...he really was popular. People he didn't even know knew his name. That was veeery epic. "And thanks....the puffs played really well too though." Everyone had. But he definetly thought that the best team had won. Of course he would though, considering that it was his team. "And it's nice to meet you Mikey." Quote:
Originally Posted by The1HBIC "Riiiiight you don't, and I make sure I go to EVERY class too." Well she used to, just not this term. Grinning she winked at him. "Don't be so sure about that. You might just like my wake up calls." Matty hadn't complained when she woke him up in the room of requirement. Leaning close to his ear she whispered so no one else could hear. "You seen what almost happened when I woke Matty up in the room of requirement." She was pretty sure that if Finn wouldn't have walked in on them or if he would have come in a few seconds later he would have caught her and Matty snogging.
What was he doing pushing his plate away? Was he all of a sudden not hungry? Ohhh, he wanted some of her fruit. "Yeah, strawberries are my favorite." She picked one up and took a bite. "I like them so much even my lip gloss is strawberry flavored." Maybe some day she would let him taste it if he was lucky. "Stop being Sarcastic Marie." Finlay laughed, as he picked up the goblet, and drunk some of it. He was kind of glad that Marie had come and sat with him, it was much more fun that sitting on his own. Ooh....Finlay smirked, before laughing a little. "Well....when you put it that way." He laughed, picking up another one of her strawberries and eating it. "I think I might like that...." It would be very nice. "But you'd have to come to classs then...." Because he would totally make her come to class with him. He was evil like that.
"Mmm...." He grinned, eating another strawberry. Maybe he should get a plateful of his own. "There one of my favorites too." He commented with a nod. He did love strawberries. " is?" He smirked, deciding that he was going to remember that piece of information.
__________________ It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix 
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain |