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Old 03-27-2011, 11:50 AM   #84 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Daily Prophet News Reporter
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means

Originally Posted by Miss Dee View Post
With Ringo at his feet following each step that the second year Hufflepuff took, Preston wandered around the castle, not really paying too much attention to anything in particular. He was just trying to free himself of lessons, homework and people who had been bothering him recently. Stopping in front of the humpbacked witch statue Preston gave a chuckle as he thought about the time he had met Jim. Eating candy off of the statue.

Preston gave the statue a grin and then looked down at Ringo who was now sitting like a watchful cat in a window.
Alex was walking around the castle. He did that a lot lately, perhaps he wanted to take it all in before the term was ending and he was leaving for New York again.

A chuckle broke through his thoughts of Ellie and he turned his head a little to the side to see a boy standing by himself. Chuckling to himself? Alex grinned and took a step towards the boy when a thought hit him. The boy hadn't been chuckling at him now had he?

"Are you laughing at me?" he blurted out. "Do I have something in my hair? I do, don't I?" He knew Hyun would have done something to his hair. As long as it wasn't pink, it would all be alright.
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