Next level...........THE PREFECT BATHROOM!?!?!!? Professional Twirler Mourned and Missed
What? Parrellel Universes?
It seemed that the Hunt was now affecting Jacob like it had affected Patroclus on the level previously, enducing hysteria and manic ranting and raving. The symptoms sounded very familiar; Patrolcus sworn he had had read about it in some adventure novel, "I think what we are both experiencing is Acute Jungle Fever......hold on" Wait they weren't in a junlge? "OK something like that, or maybe it's Loo-less Fever!"
Yeah that sounded much better! Offering a hand down to his falling brother in arms, Patroclus sighed, "Next level?" he asked, "I am thinking that maybe we missed it?"
If the two of them had to start over, Patroclus would probably crawl into a ball and cry!