Charms Final The Charms Practice Hall has been sectioned into two for the Charms Final, divided by a wall that contains a cut-out door. You enter, and see that the side you can see has been set up like a regular classroom. Desks and chairs are arranged in neat rows. On each desk, there is a copy of the theoretical portion of the exam. Once you've finished the theoretical bit, the instructions on the board direct you to turn over your parchment, and pass through the door, into the other portion of the Hall. Professor Descoteaux is seated here, looking a tad lazy as he reads a book. There are three stations set up at the front of the place. On each station, there is an object and a sheet of instructions.
The first station bears a plastic teacup. Three feet above this station, there is a small bucket, suspended in midair. The instructions given are: Change the teacup into a ball. Then levitate it and drop it into the bucket.
Two small balls are jumping up and down on the second station. There is a new-ish looking cardboard box, open, at the foot of this station. The instructions read: Freeze one of the balls, and banish the second into the box.
The last station houses a fair-sized, charmed lantern that is glowing visibly, despite the fact that the room is well-lit. The instructions read: Expand and reduce the range of the light of the lantern. Then make it appear 'invisible.'
Remember to use only charms that you have been taught this term, at all of the stations. OOC:
This exam is worth fifty individual house points [extra credit included].
[] You do not have to RP for the theoretical bit. Do not post any of the answers here. Just PM me your responses. Remember to include your house and member ID. ^.^
[] You must RP your character doing the practical portion of the exam, in this thread. Complete the practical in just one post. Your posts will be marked for accuracy and RP content. Grammar and punctuation is important.
[] You have exactly one week to do this final. PMs and posts should be in by Apr 2, 3: 30 PM GMT at the latest. You may do just the theoretical bit, or just the practical bit. Doing both is not mandatory. Still have questions? PM me.  |