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Jacob had been so caught up in the moment he didn't even know what was going on... then he head something in his ear, he turned and swung his bat.
Yeah that'll teach people not to sneak up behind him.
Oh it was Mia... Ooops... oh well, that'll teach her.
Oh Look James! "Hey Jimmy!" he called to the boy "Feelin' better there now, are we?" Jacob inquired, obviously he'd already heard of their victory. but the boy hadn't made the game, and he had Miss Nurse to blame for that... he wasn't even gonna argue Jimmys Injury Suspesion from the Season, Cause Miss Nurse would have suspended him for Mental Health Issues.
Although she wasn't expecting a bat to come swinging at her head, Mia automatically put her hand up when she saw it coming and to her surprise she managed to stop the bat from hitting her in the face. Her hand though was feeling the pain.
"Geez Jacob." She said pushing the bat away and shaking her hand.
"You just smashed the Huffie players do you really need to go after their supporters as well." Mia threw him a glare, while still shaking her hand and started to move away from the violent Ravenclaw.
Last time she tried to be nice to him.