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Vashti entered the awesome-looking tent happily, still in her Quidditch robes, and looked around for any of her non-Quidditch friends as well as her teammates. She didn't see many from the first group, but of course she saw a few of her fellow Quidditch players.
Including JIMMY.
Only a few seconds behind Emily and Ellie, Vashti rushed over to him and threw her arms around him in a hug. "You're all better!" Or at least, she assumed he was. For all she knew, he might've snuck out of the hospital wing when the healer wasn't looking, and the healer was heading here right now to drag him back. That...would be pretty amusing, actually. Hehe.
Well. So.
So who needed Marie with all the Quidditch fueled hugs from pretty girls?
Jim lapped it up though he wasn't 100 percent his usual charming and cocky self.
"Mostly. Still gotta take it easy and all that junk." Pshhh. He grinned at Vashti. "And you're just in time to give me your autograph. Pretttty please?" He batted his eyelashes jokingly.
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Emily grinned, "I know we won, but your still a big part of the team, and we were a player down. Would have been good to have to there."
Autographs? HAHA... Emily took the pen and photo he was holding and signed it as neatly as she could with a little messgae.
"Cheers Em." No really. It was a nice thing for her to remind him of. He'd felt pretty left out and worse than that (though he wouldn't admit it) he felt bad for letting them down, and then even worse when it turned out they hadn't needed him after all. Combined with being absolutely ecstatic at the win, it was a mixed bag of feelings right there.
He read her message and grinned. "Perfect."
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Jacob had been so caught up in the moment he didn't even know what was going on... then he head something in his ear, he turned and swung his bat.
Yeah that'll teach people not to sneak up behind him.
Oh it was Mia... Ooops... oh well, that'll teach her.
Oh Look James! "Hey Jimmy!" he called to the boy "Feelin' better there now, are we?" Jacob inquired, obviously he'd already heard of their victory. but the boy hadn't made the game, and he had Miss Nurse to blame for that... he wasn't even gonna argue Jimmys Injury Suspesion from the Season, Cause Miss Nurse would have suspended him for Mental Health Issues.
"Sup Cap'n! Knew you could do it, man." Jim saluted. "I'm gonna need your autograph too."
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Ellie, in a different circumstance and given a few more weeks, would have modestly waved off the 'epic' comment. But not now. Now she was just sooo filled with adrenaline, she took it BEAMING. "Glad you did!" It just wouldn't be right without the whole team.
She took the marker after Emily, and wrote her name on the picture. "You're so weird." Yet, she had obliged. She was feeling pretty epic.
"Weird? Psshh. I'm perfect and don't you forget it." He winked at Ellie and took the picture back. "Thats a mighty professional looking autograph right there." Taking lessons from Vindictus?
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Still wearing his officiating robes and his goggles pushed back onto his head, Vindictus strode into the tent and stopped. He placed his gloved hands on his hips and grinned. It was time to party and after a long Quidditch drought, it was a Ravenclaw party. "Where are my champions!" he called out excitedly.
Speaking of.
Jim looked up as the Head of House came in, but he hung back. Technically he wasn't a champion, right? Right. He was smiling too though.