Quidditch Results, Term 27 No Touchy! ♥ demented_teacher Term 27 Leader Board Blocked Shots
1. Amadeus Kipling (R) - 11
2. Sierra Greingoth (S) - 8
3. Carter Phillips (G) - 5
4. Treyen Lockhart (H) - 4
4. Melanie Lockhart (H) - 4 Goals Scored
1. Patroclus Hudson (G) - 8
2. Aaron Anderson (S) - 7
3. Vashti Greenwell (R) - 5
3. Emily Browne (R) - 5
3. Melanie Lockhart (H) - 5
5. Simon De Simpson (H) -4 Bludger Hits
1. Amadeus Kipling (R) - 5
1. Freya Salvatore (S) - 5
3. Jacob Blunt (R) - 3
4. Isobel VonHue (H) - 2
5. Elliot Humphrey (S) - 1
5. Derian Lycaon (G) - 1
5. Joshua Carter (G) - 1
5. Kaia Barnard (H) - 1 Snitch Captures
1. Ellie Stone (R) - 6
1. Jakers Morgan (H) - 6
3. Evelyn Flores-Shepard (S) - 5
4. James Wilkes (R) - 3
5. Lea Sinclair (G) - 2 Final Team Standings
1. Ravenclaw
2. Hufflepuff
3. Slytherin
4. Gryffindor
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Last edited by demented_death_eater; 03-27-2011 at 03:39 PM.