Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now SPECIALIS REVELIO Secret Summons His fingers drummed on the study table. The boy leaned forward and hunched over the scrap of parchment his gray-blue eyes were scrutinizing. There was a message written on it; short and poignant. Black,
I’d like to speak to you.
Lily Evans.
This was the twenty third time Sirius Black had read the note. Although the letter’s contents were simple enough to understand Sirius felt nothing but paranoia. Why was it that Lily Evans had written a letter to him? It wasn’t even the sort of letter he expected from her. If Evans had ever felt compelled to write to him Sirius was sure it would have included the words ‘git’, ‘unnecessarily reckless’, ‘unbearably rude’ and ‘do not speak to me ever again’. Instead Lily was requesting Black’s presence in what he could only assume was in privacy.
The Gryffindor picked up his wand and twirled it around his fingers. His brows furrowed together as he ceased his movements to place the tip of his wand on the parchment. Sirius top lip curled as he spoke: “SpeRevelio.” New lettering appeared. I’m not in love with you in case you’re wondering. Meet me by the statue of the Humpback Witch. |