March's author to meet is
Kaos.Doodles so without further ado...
SSRPG Character Section:
"Dear, YOU; What's Up?" - Sa13+
Innocent Until Proven...Never Mind It's Legend - Sa13+
Finished Fan Fictions:
As Told By A Legend - Sa13+
A Chosen Journal - Sa13+
Kaos.Doodles Hi Dani! Congratulations! You are the next author on the Meet the Author Series! Yay!!!
*cough* > 
Haha! Hi Dani! Ok, let's get started. Tell us, what was the first book you ever remember reading. And was that what started you into literature.
Hmm. Well the first book I remember reading on my own would have to be a book called "Thomas' Snowsuit". It was a book about a boy whose mother bought him a snowsuit but he refused to wear it. He kept saying things like: "THAT IS THE UGLIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE". I probably just read it for the pictures but the book itself was pretty funny.
I wouldn’t say that this book got me into literature (That would be Harry Potter) but it got me into not hating books with a passion, and sort of helped me over come my fear of reading.
I know what you mean! What is your favorite genre of books?
I don’t actually have a favourite genre. I like fantasy and mystery books but to a certain extent. I hate when Fantasy is really over done, or just so “ooh look at my fancy world” and I also hate when mystery is more on a horror level. I will basically read anything. As long as the book seems interesting
When did you get into Harry Potter and how?
THIS QUESTION! I was expecting it! Okay so basically I got into the Harry Potter movie’s first. When the first movie came out on DVD (I think I was about 8?) my mother bought it for me the day it came out for some reason. I watched it and was so amazed. The next day after watching it I rushed to my school library to read the second book but when I saw how thick it was (I was only used to picture books) it scared me away, so I decided just to wait for the second movie to come out. After two months I got bored of waiting and went back to the library, picked up Prisoner of Azkaban (Chamber of Secrets was signed out) and have been hooked ever since then.
Libraries ROCK! What was the first thing you wrote?
The first thing I wrote was a short story about a boy who was home alone one night and had to face a criminal who broke into his house. It was pretty good despite all my spelling mistakes if I do say so myself.
I am pretty sure I wrote a sequel to it but the original is always the best.
Always. So, what is your method to writing? Do you just start writing? or do you have a layout of beginning, middle and end?
When I write usually I just have a general idea, from that I come up with the beginning and the end and the middle just creates itself. I try not to plan too much out because then I start to get bored of what I’m writing really quick. I think that I do my best writing when I just make it up on the spot. Then people are like “DUDE YOU PUT THAT IN ON PURPOSE”
and I really didn’t but I just nod and say that it was planned.
Got it. What brought you to Snitchseeker?
Well I joined SS when I was 11 but I’m pretty sure I was on this Harry Potter wand website, and then they had a link to SS. I just joined because I liked how it had information of what was going on with the movies and the actors. I stayed because of the people though...alright that’s a lie I stayed because of the awesome tags.
The people ARE awesome! What inspires you to write?
Boredom. When I am bored I write? I don’t really have inspirations..... questions like this one hurt my brain!
*puts a band-aid on it* Is HP the only genre you write FanFics in? or do you write more?
I used to write a lot of short story and I still try to but It is kind of hard because my teachers keep insisting that I complete their homework. So I basically only write FanFics besides the one or two short stories I do here and there.
Who are your favorite authors?
If I said J.K Rowling that would be kind of obvious right? So my other favourite authors would be Norah McClintock, Eric Wilson, Jerry Spinelli, and a few others whose names are currently lost in my brain at the moment. I used to make a list of all the books I read and what authors I liked but... I lost it.
LOL! What kind of music do you enjoy?
That is an impossible question! I like so many different kinds of music it’s kind of weird. To me it’s the lyrics that matter not the genre. Unless you are speaking about country or heavy metal because I don’t listen to those at all.
Not at all?! lol What are your hobbies?
Other than SS, writing and reading books, I enjoy playing basketball and participating in trivia contests. I also like to make videos and scripts and edit those videos. I also enjoy playing with fire.
I love trivia contests too!!! If you were to be sent to a deserted island and could only bring 3 things what would they be?
This.....I always hoped no one would ask me this question. Alright! First thing would be an endless supply of GOOD books because you know I would get bored. Second thing would be my laptop because even if I didn’t have wifi and was stuck on an island my teachers would still pester me about homework. The last thing is a magic lamp with a genie inside so I could get OFF the island. know...become rich and famous with the last two wishes.
Now why have I never thought of the lamp thing?
If you were a Bertie Bott Every Flavor Bean, what flavor would you be and why?
I would just be blue. The blue flavour. The flavour of blue. Only awesome people can understand how it tastes and only extremely awesome people know why without having it have to even be explained.
I totally know what you mean! When I go to the icecream parlor and they ask me which flavor, I say "the blue one!" and I love it every time. Imagine Oprah invited you to be in the book club. Not attend it, but that the book you wrote is the new #1. What would be your speech? Who would you thank... Oh and my name is spelled D.R.O.O. 
I would thank my mom! Because she is my mom. And my friend Sophia for always editing my books filled with bad grammar and Gracie because she probably forced me to write it. And all those SS people who read my things before. And the Academy- oh wrong award. And...just everyone who helped me along the way. And yes, of course you Droo.
Of course... lol. Thanks Dani for your interview! It was fun getting to know you!
Your welcome! I know it was fun! Aren’t I so awesome?
Totally Awesome!