Ama!Nabs IS NAMED MINHO & Is SO Black Panther Right Now l-e-g-i-l-i-m-e-n-s One Side of the Story Narcissa wasn’t sure when Regulus had become so proficient with wand work. In a matter of minutes, he had dried her clothes and most of her hair. Embarrassed that she had to depend on someone to such an extent she pushed him away and assured him that bits of humid hair were not going to be the end of her. The boy had reluctantly accepted her wishes but not before easing her into an armchair and shoving a warm cup of tea in her hands.
Narcissa had then moved on to explain the nature of her disappearance, how she had been deceived by a Kelpie only to have it attempt to drown her in the lake. She explained how out of nowhere Rodolphus had arrived pulling and tugging on her while she was trying to fight for her life. She smartly left out the part where she had pushed and slapped him in her confused frenzy.
Regulus had listened quietly. His elbows had rested on his thighs and his chin had been cradled on the crook of one palm. Although Narcissa had left out her follies she thought Reggie a Legilimens if the grin on his lips was any evidence.
Last edited by Ama; 03-25-2011 at 09:30 AM.
Reason: No.