Nika walked up to the Astronomy tower. She was having a hard time keeping her eyes from closing and her body had to be forced to move. She dragged her feet up the stairs and walked into the room at a very slow pace. When she got there she found somewhere to sit and quickly looked through her telescope. Tonight is not her night. She slapped her notebook on the table and jotted down something in there. She put down her permission slip next to her things. And started to scrible lightly.
Nika shut her notebook close without a second glance at her entry. It did sound very lazy and her label was very pathetic. Nika wasn't worried so much about
what she wrote because she was more worried about
how she wrote it. Hopefully her professor could make out the tiny chicken scratch handwriting. Nika collected her things and made her way back down the stairs in the same manor as she came up them. All she wants now is sleep.