Originally Posted by
Nordic Witch When Patrcolus scanned her notes Sophie felt like she had gone a bit beyond what was needed with them. She did though want to make an impression in Prof Hadley and maybe earn an extra point or two for being ambitious. It was definitley fun looking at the stars with a friend as company.
Letting out a warm laugh she nodded "Of course we should for the sake of our reputations. But who will know that we found the snake constellation first, nobody except Prof Hadley and she is trustworthy." The brunette adjusted the postion of her telescope and was about to search the heavens when Patroclu beckoned her over to his telescope.
The excitment in his voice made Sophie bolt over. Sticking her eye to the lens she saw a very faint constellation that looked a bit like a fox. She had been about to fetch her own textbook when Patroclus found the matching constellation. Looking one more time into the lens and then at the textbook image Sophie beamed. "Good job on finding Vulpecula. Do you think we will get extra points for finding a hard to see constellation?"
SPOILER!!: Sophie's parchment
Time: 9.45 pm
Constellation: Vulpecula or Little fox.
Extra: Is found in the spring months, but hard to locate.
Characteristics: A faint constellation that was identifed in the 17th century by the astronomer Johannes Hevelius. It was then illustrated as a fox with a goose in its jaws.
Mythology: It is rumoured that the fox ate a goose which is why its known only as the little fox in present time. It's a dim constellation with no brighter stars than 4.4.
"How cool is that!" Patroclus laughed gesturing to the story of the Fox and the Goose!
"It seems that we are not the only hungry ones!" He smiled as he lifted out of the basket, a water cracker and cut some cheese and placed it on top,
Listening to Sophie's question, he waited till he had swallowed and then replied,
"Maybe, considering it is a very rare constellation, she maybe quite impressed by our skills!" nodded with a grin.
"What would be super cool would be if we made up our Own Constellation!" He bounced on his knees,
"We should find a few more real ones, and then try and look for a section of stars that are un-charted!" It was probably a hard task, but once they had completed the required assignment, looking for a unique star system would be fun!
"Your turn!"