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Old 03-22-2011, 10:52 AM   #19 (permalink)
Luna Laufghudd
Special Services to the School
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 6,692

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maya 'Fiera' Saylen
♪ Golden Badger ♥ clawdia & taylour ♥ Huffie Cappytain ♫

Originally Posted by grangerfan8 View Post
The last creatures lesson for the term. Arya was soooo there, and dressed appropriately of course. In jean overalls and a Hufflepuff tee shirt, the girl skipped to the animal collective and slipped inside, carefully closing the door behind her. "Hey, Professor Saylen."

She wiggled her fingers at the woman before moving further into the enclosure, towards the animals of course. The best thing about being the first student to the lesson was that SHE got to pick out which animal she wanted to cuddle before they got to work. hehe.

Letting herself become surrounded by the cuddly creatures, she squatted down and crossed her legs, scooping a bunny up. Did she have to sit on the chairs? Could she stay where she was surrounded by the animals? Arya decided to wait for the professor's opinion while snuggling the cute creatures.
Ah, first student. "Good day, Miss Lovegoods." Maya gave her a smile and watched her schoop up the bunny. Heh, if the girl wanted to sit on the ground with whatever poop was left there, then she could - aslong as she was close enough to hear her. Hehehe.

Originally Posted by dingDong View Post

Care of Magical Creatures. Oh so magical.

Cam was awaiting for his first CoMC class since his loooong, loooooooong years from Hogwarts. This class was different. It wasn't confusing like Ancient Runes or Divination. THIS WAS HIS SPECIALTY! He hopped and skipped (walking barefoot of course because he was ONE WITH NATURE), to the Animal Collective... a place he didn't remember before. Hmmmm. So many new teachers. He never met the professor to this class before, but he just did. Right now. Totally.


She looked sooooo... what was the right word to describe her... exotic? There was that natural vibe that went on to Cam. He praised this professor's natural-lookingness, because she did like freaking Mother Nature herself. It must have been awkward because he just stood there, staring at her. OBSERVING her. STUUUUDYING her. "H--HELLOOO Professor..." bleh he didn't know her name. To compensate, he knelt down on to the ground and then bowed before her majesty.

And then a stray chicken started plucking his head.

So he crawled, like a worm, embracing the earth, to the log chairs and sat down... ooobseeerving the professor. STUDYING her.
She had just fed Nelson a carrot when she did a double take.
Noticing the bare feet, her eyes followed him all the way up to his very...curious looking face, scanning his appearance. And he was staring at her. Maya stared back. And then she squinted at the boy, but soon he spoke and...


"Hello, Mister Karsten." She...couldn't...look away as he headed for the logs. It was just so... Stop staring.

Originally Posted by Team Potter View Post
Elyon skipped into class, a wide smile on her face. Care of Magical Creatures was by far her favourite class; working with animals was her passion. She was very pleased when she saw Muggle animals all over the place. Growing up in the Muggle world, Elyon had plenty of experience with knowing all about the little creatures. She waved when she saw Professor Saylen standing in the middle of the chaotic scene and said, "Hello Professor!"

She tossed her bag onto the ground next to her and pulled out a roll of parchment and her quill. The log stools they were sitting on were very outdoorsy and smelled of pine. She waited for the class to begin, trying to take in all of the animals movements around her.
"Good day, Miss James." the Mexicana also gave her a smile. See, she was all smiles today. Hehe.

Originally Posted by Luinevaug View Post
Luin walked into the class, and looked around. A few other students had already arrived. She looked over to where the professor was and waved slightly, "Hello Professor." she then walked over to the logs and sat down on one, putting her hands in her lap as she watched the animals. She had never really lived with animals so she wasn't certain how she was with them. They sure looked cute though.
"Hello there Miss Celebrindal." Maya returned her wave as best she could while holding the bucket.

Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Emily wandered across the grounds until she came to a stop at the Animal Collective.
"Hi Porfessor Saylen", she said smiling as she took a seat.

Now she understood why they needed to wear something they didn't mind getting dirty. Emily had worn knee high black boots- charmed with a dirt-repelling-spell, so they would stay clean at least. Then she wore faded navy blue jeans and a black singlet underneath a long sleaved grey cardigan.

The Animal Collective was amazing, Emily already had her eye one the little goat and the adorable ducks!
With a nod a and a small smile, she greeted the girl. "Hello, Miss Browne."

Originally Posted by meganelizabeth View Post
"Hello Professor." Christopher walked quickly into the Animal Collective, hoping he wouldn't be late. That would not be good. Dressed in a pair of old jeans, sneakers, and a Beatles t-shirt, Christopher sat down on a log thingy and waited for class to begin. He was glad they'd been covering Muggle creatures, as he'd grown up entirely surrounded by them, and they wouldn't bee too much of a challenge for him. But he did love a challenge, so he did hope they would be having a tricky lesson today.
That young man was dress appropriately. Good. "Good day to you, Mister James."

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Ellie had arrived for the lesson many minutes ago. She had no intention of being first, or close to first, though, so she was dawdling idly half-hiding from Saylen's view.

As she counted how many students had come already, she decided now was a good time. She'd be seventh. Magic number seven. So no bad could come to that, right?

She walked into the collective and sat on a log kinda in the middle. The middle was always inconspicuous. Not too close to witness more tail severings, not too far back to look sketchy. The middle was good.

After taking a seat, she held her hand out so the nearest goat could come up to her so she could pet it. Goats were AWESOME.
I see you. Oh, she wasn't going to say hello, was she now? PFffft. "Good day, Miss Stone." Hah!

Originally Posted by Snape'sGirlThru&Thru View Post
Oohh, lookit all the animals! Muggle animals too, which made Vashti feel good already about the lesson. These were animals that she was familiar with and that she wouldn't have to read and memorize the entire textbook to know about. That made things much easier.

"Hello, Professor," she said as she entered the class/animal area. She took a seat on one of the logs and watched the animals scurry about while she waited for the lesson to start. The little bunnies and chicks were so cute!
"Hello to you, Miss Greenwell." Aaaaaand some smiling at the girl. Yes yes.

Originally Posted by Lockhartian View Post
First thing that came to Treyen's mind was: Care of MAGICAL Creatures. So, he was hoping that that goat had a third eye or something.

And, no, he didn't want to come, but he had no other choice, right?

"Sup, Profesor." And a nod. And a smirk. Yeah, because Professor Saylen was cool, no? Haha, probably not, but maybe he wanted to see how she reacted to the greeting OR if her squinting will appear. Though, she was kind of squinting already, seriously.

"Is Mr. Stryker coming again today?" he asked, taking a seat into a log near the center. The man had to come, after all, how could he get acquainted with teaching if he didn't take part in the class he could teach? Not that Treyen knew something. He just...preferred a couple things.

With Stryker in Saylen's place, then taking Aslan with him was certain.
Oh. Him again. Hehe.
Sup? Was that a greeting? Maya raised an eyebrow but figured it probably was since these kids were odd like that. "Good day, Mister Lockhart."

This boy...really liked the Groundskeeper. Well, who knew, his wishes might come true. "I don't know, Mister Lockhart." She answered, sounding bored, "He might. He might not." You can be 'sup'. Hehe.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Nika made her way to the CoMC class. She skipped over to her professor and smiled. "Hiya Professor!"She looked around and noticed all of the animals around. "Aww Professor they are all sooo cute!" Nika loved animals and the bunnies were just so adorable. "Can I pick it up?" Nika pointed to a little bunny near her.
Returning the girl's smile, Maya watched as she bounced towards her. "Good day, Miss Adler." Yes, very cute animals, "Sure, go ahead." Just don't drop it. Hehe.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi rushed into the Animal Collective and immediately found the fluffy white rabbit that she had played with when she had last come here with Selina. "Hello you," she smiled scooping it up in her arms. She then found a chair and considered sitting down it it, but instead decided to remain standing as she rocked the bunny back and forth in her arms.

"Good day, Professor Saylen," Kurumi chirped.
And there she was. Why was she standing, though? "Hello Miss Hollingberry." Yeah, you'd better not drop the bunny either.

Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
Dragging Evelyn was hard work.

It was starting to get hotter outside and any type of exercise made Destiny extremely tired. But, her friend NEEDED to get herself to class and what kind of friend would she be if she didn't help get her there? A horrible one, that's for sure. Especially with OWL's coming up, Evelyn needed to attend as many classes as possible.

Plus, this would be paybacks for all the times she had forced her to study.

So, clinging onto Evelyn's hand for dear life, Destiny pulled and pulled, finally making it to the place where class was to be held. Quickly opening the fence, she gave one last tug on her friend's hand, making sure the Professor saw her before she let go. HA! She was spotted so she couldn't run away now! Closing the fence behind her, she scooped up one of her brethren chickens and tucked it under her arm. "Hello, Professor!" she greeted, taking a seat on one of the loggy chair things.

Uncomfortable loggy chair things.

Oh look! She was sitting close to Raccoon Girl. Maybe Professor Saylen will conjure the girl up a straw hat to go with those overalls of hers.
Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Having read the announcement for this particular lesson, Evelyn really, really really would have rather have stayed in bed for the rest of the day and rest her mind. Besides, she didn't really feel up to working with animals today. Especially not to clean or feed them. That was WORK.

However, she let Destiny draaag her down to the lesson anyway, not feeling like fighting he anyways at the moment. Yet she DID make it quite difficult to do; meaning she dug her feet into the ground a few good times on the way down to the animal enclosure. And the smell...the smell was awful. Sighing DRAMATICALLY as Destiny finally let her go, she stared at the girl with a bored expression when she picked up the chicken before turning her attention to the Professor. "H'lo Professor Saylen." she muttered, crossing her arms.

Ah, the girls are here. "Good day, Miss Shepard, Miss Flores." Maya smirked and nodded at them both. Tehe. And Destiny picked up a chicken. Exellent.

Originally Posted by aussiegirl View Post
The reason Mia had never bothered to come down to this little sanctuary was because she had seen all these animals before. Heck, she had even slept in the same place as them. This was how they survived back in the commune.

So she wasn't particularly thrilled to note that today's lesson was going to be here. Dressed in jeans, flannel shirt and boots, Mia approached the enclosure and instead of opening the gate, she decided to climb up the railing and sit on top of it, swinging her legs back and forth. Well at least this way, she didn't tread on anything.

And the ducks couldn't attack her.

Ducks were crazy.

Almost as an aferthought, Mia looked for Saylen. "Hey Professor." She called out giving her a small wave.
Hearing someone call, Maya looked at the kids already sitting down before her, before realising the student was sitting on the fence. "Hello, Miss Gibbins."

Originally Posted by Samira Malfoy Potter View Post
Samira strolled to the Care of Magical Creatures class and smiled at the Professor.

"Hello Professor!" she said cheerfully. Samira tried not to scrunch her nose when she saw a goat staring at her. She really hated the smell. Not being much of an animal person, Samira was a bit apprehensive, but knew that the best things come when you are uncertain, and was excited to try this new class. She spotted her friend Nika admiring some bunnies and made a mental note to catch up with her later. Sighing, Samira let her eyes roam the enclosure and watch what some of her fellow students were doing.
Cheerful person! "Good day to you, Miss Spinks." Maya smiled briefly and nodded once.

Originally Posted by Mordanyes View Post
"Hi professor!" K-Lee said brightly, walking to a log seat. This place looked messy. She was glad she had worn her older uniform, having learnt from previous classes that CoMC can be a dirty class.

She loved animals, but merlin this place stunk. The animals were so adorable. K-Lee grinned at the goat. She loved goats.
More happy people! And she was dressed appropriately too. "Hello there, Miss Soler."

Originally Posted by Wenzlebug
Cedric paved his way toward the CoMC area and was glad to see many students had arrived already. Well, that just meant the lesson would end soon and he could get some highly desired rest, which, you know, was very rare these days since days to go and it would be NEWTs. Yes, they Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests. Sounds exhausting, no?

He looked around the place, immediately recognizing the shmexy professor. "Professor Saylen! Good day!" You see, he was a bit cheery, even though his mind was in constant agony due to constant studying and reviewing. He was cheery since it's CoMC lesson again! And CoMC lessons had earned the reputation as one of the 'funnest classes'.

Cedric decided to sit near this boy, a somewhat familiar boy, whom he couldn't really tell who. "Hey bud," he greeted, out of instinct, without even looking at the boy 'cause his eyes seemed permanently fixed toward the oddly gorgeous professor and the other students.
"Hello there, Mister Leone." Maya smiled, for a second wondering if he'd put on his batman glasses. Snort. How odd would that be?

But yes, time to start. These animals were busy beings. "Welcome to the last lesson of the term." Aw. "There's been alot of muggle discussions this term..." which has been somewhat...odd. "And today will be no different." Because some old fart said it had to be so. "For those of you who have not been here before, this is the Animal Collective. These creatures around you have no magical powers - although that does not make them any less special." Understood? Maya almost squinted at this.

"So, to start, who can tell me what animal Miss Shepard is holding?" Hehe. With an accompanying stare by not only Herbert the goat, but also Nelson the cow, Maya waited for the answers.

Oh. "And Miss Shepard, raise it up so everyone can see. Higher. Like above your head." If she could. Hehe. "Miss Shepard, can you describe, the creature you're holding, for us please?" Yes, because it was important for people to get those details.

OOC: Again, please only answer what Maya is asking, don't go too far ahead with the lesson, or else there wont be any questions left to ask *sadface* =p

Your character doesn't know what a chicken is? Have them say it's a whatevertheywant. Go ahead, crazy answers are welcome.

Last edited by Luna Laufghudd; 03-22-2011 at 11:09 AM.
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