Thread: Harry Potter: Eyes Wide Open - Sa16+
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Old 03-21-2011, 02:02 AM   #39 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Melina Morninglory- "Glory"
Second Year
WizWorld Universal / Tom Felton for President

Here's the next one!

Chapter Fifteen: Malfoy Manor

3 Jan. (evening)

Draco had slept for 32 hours. When he finally woke the following evening, he felt as though he’d broken through a high fever. He pulled himself slowly out of bed, gripping the headboard for balance, and realized he was still wearing his clothes from the day before. He didn’t even bother looking in the mirror; he was sure he looked like hell.

He moved gingerly down the stairs and entered the dining hall looking pale and disheveled. “Draco!” cried Narcissa, “Oh sweetheart!” She ran to him and embraced him fiercely. “I was so worried about you. Sit down! Don’t stay standing for Merlin’s sake! You need something to eat. Mimsy!” she called loudly. Draco winced. Through a hoarse voice he answered, “I’m okay mum- could you please stop yelling?” A hangover-like headache was throbbing in his skull and the sound of his mother’s voice felt like an ice pick in his temple.

Mimsy appeared with a tray of Draco’s favorite breakfast that Narcissa had prearranged for whenever he woke up. The elf placed the tray in front of him; appetizing smells of a vegetable omelet and toast with blueberry-pomegranate jam greeted him. A glass of fresh orange juice and some ice water stood beside the food. Inhaling the aroma, Draco's stomach growled with hunger. He took a huge gulp of his orange juice- and promptly spit it all over the table.

“Augghh! What is that?!” he exclaimed, shuddering at the nasty surprise. “It’s a potion to counteract the effects of the sedating draught I gave you yesterday. It will give you a clear head and bring back your strength.” “It’s disgusting!” moaned Draco. “I’d rather keep the headache and the weakness, if it’s all the same to you!” He downed his glass of water, hoping to wash away the vile flavor, and took a huge bite of his toast. Mimsy was busy cleaning up the mess on the table. Narcissa sighed. “I’m sorry sweetheart, but you really should try to drink the rest of it; you’ll feel much better, I promise.” “Not bloody likely!” scowled Draco.

“Draco, don’t speak to your mother like that.” Lucius entered the room and walked briskly over to his son. “How are we feeling?” he asked. “Aside from the fact that I nearly died from that poison Mum gave me, I feel fantastic,” Draco answered sarcastically. His father ignored the comment. “Eat your food and then go upstairs and put yourself together. You look a mess.”

Draco showered and shaved after finishing his food (he refused to take another sip of that horrible potion) and was getting dressed when he heard a commotion from downstairs. Raised voices- men’s voices, his aunt’s voice, the voices of his parents- and a girl’s voice that sounded hysterical. What in the hell? He quickly finished dressing and headed downstairs toward the noise. He recognized the Snatchers immediately; they’d been to his home many times. Bellatrix appeared to be arguing with them about who would take the credit for capturing “her”. His parents had their wands drawn and pointed at the floor. Draco came round the side of them to see who was screaming at their feet and gasped, his eyes wide with shock. Hermione Granger?! he exclaimed in his head while his mouth hung open.

Last edited by steflegan; 04-04-2011 at 05:54 AM.
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