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He nodded slowly, making sure to listen to each of her words and take them fully to heart. There was a final nod to tell her he understood, that he would try not to feel guilty over it. It was after all, her choice of what she did with her money, and that she had spent it on him because she wanted to, he supposed he should be honored. And he was.
A small smile touched his lips at her question, and he shrugged his shoulder a little. "Because I have you."
His words left her unable to contain the grin she was holding back, her eyes moving to his.
"And now you'll have things to remember me by." Things she was hoping he would like. His first reaction had her a bit more nervous than she'd like to be about giving him anything.
"...Do you wanna see them?" She bit her bottom lip. Nope. Still wasn't gonna get excited about it until she saw how he reacted to SEEING the gifts.