Originally Posted by
Imsosikk07 Elektra falls right onto her bum and groans out loudly. "Ah!! For the love of all things-" Elektra looked up at the huge fireball and ELektra began to stutter and quickly army-rolled her way away from the launched fire ball the size of the moon coming at Selina and Elektra. She heard Selina scream off the top of her lungs and she raises her eyebrow. "What does that even mean Selina?!"
Originally Posted by
SweetPeea Violet was getting ready to make another fireball when she heard Selina's comment and then suddenly Violet dropped to the floor. Then her wings folded in and disappeared, the fire around her hands distinguished themselves and her bird head was gone and Violet's blonde locks reappeared. After that whole thing, it completely took a lot out of Violet and that had never EVER happened to her before..until now...thanks to Selina and Elektra. From then on people around her would really need to be careful not to upset her or anger her.
Selina screamed out to Elektra, "I don't know! Just work with me!"
The suddenly Violet fell to the ground. In moments she seemed to transfigure back to her normal self. She was still laying on the ground in what looked like a sleeping state.
"Merlin!" Selina ran over to Violet and tried to awake her, "Come on Violet, be okay. Please be okay."