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"It was...frightening to be honest," Kurumi said hugging Adam back. "There was this long line to get checked in. It was a security check in. They had lists with our names on it and then we went through something that looked like a metal detector. Like those ones you go through at the airport." She looked up at Adam and was glad that she was talking with him about this. There was truth in the statement that she could confide in him because he was her best friend and boyfriend, but perhaps there was a little more in the fact that he grew up in the non-magical world like her and therefore could understand what she was explaining easier.
"There was lots of food...and lots of scary people. This one guy who kept flicking his hair around said he knew my father. Then, there were some scary Ministry people. We all go these hideous t-shirts with Lord Borr on them. I am not sure where I put mine..." She paused for a moment. "Lord Borr made us all perform the Hogwarts school song for him."
Metal Detector? They took no chances didn't they?"He slightly teased her.How he wished he could've been there, but he hadn't been invited, with him there things would be more Burning...at the very least, whatever that meant?
Kurumi seemed slightly shaken about the event, but seemed to hold herself up very well.
What a fashion jerk- flipping his...Wait, he says he knew your father? Did you ask him how?
Lord Borr sounds like a real present charmer- making the guests sing for him...Why I would put a ..."Adam got out his wand from his side of pants and raised it up, "
Hex on him....If I knew one."He laughed.