Leonidas heard about the end of the year ball, and decided to buy Benjamin and his muggle-born girlfriend the appropriate clothes for this occassion. The best place he knew to go was Twifit and Tanttings. He walked inside the shop and looked around. It had been a long while since he had bought clothes of any kind for a female. But he'd seen a picture of the young girl and knew about what to get her to make her look like the bell of the ball. Benjamin had told him about his mothers jewelry that he had given the girl for her birthday, and had to admit that emerald green looked stupendous on her. He grabbed a green dress fit for a queen. He then turned towards the dress robes for men and boys and immediately grabbed a green silk shirt, a black silk tie, a vest, and a longer black robe with green stripes going down it. It was a nice robe for Benjamin. He then went on to look for something nice to wear to the celebration for Lord Berty Borr. he found exactly what he needed, and gave the woman behind the counter fifty galleons and told her to keep the change and walked out. He sent the kids clothes to them by way of owl post.