SPOILER!!: Little Professor
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"Pessimistic about what?" Jared asked. No, he wasn't messing about.
Okay, so maybe he was.
"I wouldn't have let the muggle see me disappear." That would have been a poor and less-than-amateurish show of charm-casting. "Besides, muggles don't think people can just disappear. So they might classify me as a ghost, anyway." And all's well that ends well.
Hmm? "It could be a poltergeist," Jared agreed. "Or, for that matter, an actual ghost. But it doesn't have to be." 'It doesn't have to be' being the point here, really.
Her eyes had lit up for one moment at his announcement, and then it seemed Evelyn's spider talk had dampened her spirits, at least a little.
"No," he whispered back. "But since I'm not a Debbie Downer, I'm hoping no one does get eaten."
Looking up from the fire, Jared addressed the students seated around the orange-tinted fire, in general. "Picking up from where we left off, it's not just muggles that sometimes believe in things that aren't, but us, too. As you'll see, shortly." His green gaze shifted, directed at the dark trees in the near distance for a brief moment, before settling back on the class in general. "We're going to have someone that knows some parts of the Forest quite well, for a guide. Can anyone guess who?"
Not a fang-bearing, man-eating spider, unfortunately.
"About the fact that the kitty follows you and likes you and that you have to keep it." Had he really gotten
that lost in the discussion. Tsk, tsk.
Ohhhh. So the muggle wouldn't have known what made it move.
"Okay. That makes sense now." Totally.
Ellie nodded. It didn't
have to be. She got that point more easily.
HE WASN'T SURE?! Cue the 'deer-in-headlights' look. There will be a LOT of clinging, Little Professor. A LOT.
Oh great. So he was purposefully taking them into the Forest to possibly get eaten, just to prove to them that everything wasn't always as it seemed? He'd just said so. Lesson learned. Her Forest adventure could wait until the Ellie-eating creatures were dead and gone.
"Mr. Stryker?" It was sort of in his job description to know the Forest, wasn't it?
"Or one of the ghosts?" They most likely wandered in there. After all, now that they were dead, nothing in there could hurt them.
Right. Still, no matter WHO brought them into the Forest, Ellie definitely wanted to master this light-go-big spell.
"Luxra Magnifica," Circle, X.
Big light please?
"Luxra Magnifica!" Circle, X.
Thank you.