Forever Hufflepuff | | Always. 87. Plaid fourth year “Eeeeeewwww!” Shrieked Lydia looking down at her cloak, causing the professor to worry slightly. “It’s plaid!” She crossed her arms and gave a huff at Hank. “Change it back.” She commanded. “Come on Lydia. It’s pink and purple, your favorite, and I even made it sparkly. Just for you. And this is how you treat me?” He asked, suddenly making everything oh so dramatic. “It’s plaid. And it’s ugly. Even with sparkles.” She did like the sparkles, but she wasn’t going to give Hank the satisfaction. “Your face is ugly.” Hank countered. “Not as ugly as yours.” She growled back.
__________________ Days of Potter 2022: Which Luna Quote Are You?_____________________ ____________  "all my shoes have mysteriously disappeared.
I suspect nargles are behind it."
Last edited by QueenGinger; 04-26-2011 at 06:45 PM.