Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 666
Hogwarts RPG Name: Melina Morninglory- "Glory" Second Year | WizWorld Universal / Tom Felton for President Chapter Thirteen: A Mother’s Worst Nightmare
Trembling, she reached down and picked up the locket, willing it to not be her daughter’s though she knew in her heart it was. She saw the inscription in the back and frightened tears sprang to her eyes. Her heart was pounding, she was panicking. Thoughts raced through her brain: Oh my God, where is my baby? What do I do? I’ve got to call Tom, I’ve got to find help. Who do I ask?! Calm down, you can’t panic- it won’t help her. Oh God, Hermione! What’s happened to you, where are you baby? Hang on- I’ll find you!
Grasping the locket, she broke into a run down the alley. Reaching the end, she looked frantically left and right. Nothing. She couldn’t help but panic. Looking down at the snow she noticed that the street to the left had a path more trampled than the one on the right. She took off in that direction, her head whipping back and forth for any sign of Hermione.
She followed the trampled path around a corner and found herself on a street she’d never seen before. Wizard shops lined the road on both sides but these looked darker, more threatening than those on Diagon Alley. The clientele bore an eerie resemblance to the shops and many of them looked up at Jean as she stood there. Scowls appeared on many of their faces. “Muggle scum! Get out of here! This is no place for the likes of you! Damned filthy muggle, get out before we throw you out!” Jean was afraid to pass by the angry crowd, but her daughter was here somewhere and that fact drove her onward. Some of them spat at her, others tried to grab her but she shoved them away. “HERMIONE! HERMIONE! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! HERMIONE!!” she screamed.
She couldn’t follow the snowy path anymore; too many people had obscured it with their boots. She looked desperately through the grimy windows of the shops, between them, down dark curving alleyways, continuously calling her daughter’s name. There were too many places she could be, too many shops, too many alleyways. Jean was losing her grip. Tears blinded her as she ran down the street, and a terrifying helplessness seized her. She paused for a moment, panting and crying, ignoring the stares and nasty remarks she was getting. She looked up from the direction she had come; nothing looked familiar. Did I turn down an alley? I don’t remember! Oh God, please don’t let me be lost- I don’t have time for this!!
She raced back up the alley and didn't hear the man calling her name. As she hurried, his voice finally reached her ears: “Mrs. Granger! Wait!” She wheeled around and saw an enormous man rushing toward her. She ran to him and grabbed the front of his massive coat, sobbing and speaking a mile a minute. “Hagrid!! It’s Hermione! She’s gone! I don’t know where she is! Please, something’s happened to her!” “Alright, calm down Mrs. Granger. I can’ understand what yer sayin’.” Jean repeated herself, forcing the words out more slowly. She held up the locket, and burst into fresh tears. “Please, you have to help me!!” she cried, her eyes wild with fear. “O’ course, o’ course I’ll help ya- we’ll find ‘er, alright? We will!”
He took her back down the alley, pausing to ask many of the patrons if they’d seen Hermione. No one recalled, though it was questionable as to whether they were telling the truth. “Please, she’s my daughter!! A girl, 16, red and gray pea coat, brown curly hair…” cried Jean. “I told ya I haven’t seen no one like that,” answered a witch in a gray cloak that looked like it was made of spider webs. She didn’t fire any nasty remarks at Jean this time, not with a half-giant next to her. “Alright then,” said Hagrid, disgruntled.
He walked her back over to Diagon Alley so they could question everyone there. No one had seen Hermione. Word spread quickly through the alley and concerned shop owners and patrons offered to look for Hermione as well. “Sounds like it might be Snatchers”, commented a wizard with purple robes and a matching hat. “Snatchers, what are Snatchers?” Jean looked at him fearfully. “Oh, they’re a nasty bunch of ne’er-do-wells who work for the Ministry, rounding up witches and wizards with questionable blood status for a price. Your daughter is Muggle-born I presume, or a Half-Blood?” he asked. “Yes, Muggle-born,” said Jean.
A wizard walking by overheard the conversation. “Snatchers? Yes, they were here earlier! I saw them looking in the shops from the street.” Jean felt a pinpoint of hope. “So she could be at the Ministry?” “How do I get there?!” “I’ll take ya,” said Hagrid, guiding her toward the Leaky Cauldron. When they passed through to the Muggle side, Jean made her frantic call to Tom. “He’ll meet us at the Ministry- can you tell him how to get there?”
Last edited by steflegan; 04-04-2011 at 05:23 AM.