Funny Beauty
"In the case of the blue whale we may be able to protect it but if we bring all of them here there will been a major over abundance of phytoplankton in the ocean cause the blue whale is huge and it only eats phytoplankton. Phytoplankton produce carbon dioxide which in small amounts combined with water produces oxygen. However in large amounts carbon dioxide becomes a toxic gass gas that can kill the other wild life and burn holes in the ozone layer causing global warming. Similar stories can been said about other endangered muggle animals. The point is if we remove an entire species of wildlife from it's natural habitat we upset the delicate balance of nature which can have much more profound effects then muggle outrage. We just have let muggles protect these endangered species the best they can. The only reason that we can have our diricrawl is because theycan disapear which means they can have their place in nature and disapear from view at a moments notice from muggle view. It's makes the dodo now known here as diricrawl in a way magical which other muggle creatures arenot and therefore do not belong here.", Chloe responded with her hand raised high
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