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Ellie wandered into the great hall and sat herself down at the Hufflepuff table. Wait, this was the Puff table right? Was she supposed to know these things? She didn't really pay attention to anything other than the Ravenclaw table... Huh. And there was like, no one there, so... Hopefully this was the right one.
Because she told Alex and Chandler that she'd meet them there. So, she just waited. And what better way to wait than eat an apple right? Right! She grabbed an apple and polished it with her tunic before taking a big bite out of it. MM, tasty.
Alex walked into the Great Hall with, as usual, a grumbling stomach. He was hungry! Which was one of the reasons why he was there of course, the other one being that he would meet one of his best friends and The Girl. Ellie Johanson. *sigh* He really should stop referring to her as The Girl, but once he's started it, it was difficult to stop. Besides, he really didn't want to stop.
Not taking his usual route to the Slytherin table he walked towards the yellow one, scanning the table for his twin or The Girl. Ah, just there. He spotted the pretty Ravenclaw girl and walked up to her with a sheepish smile he didn't know he had.
"Hey." he smiled and sat down next to him. She was alone, perhaps Chan was late.
"Ironic, a Ravenclaw and a Slytherin at the Hufflepuff table." he chuckled.
"Doesn't make any sense." he grinned.