Black/Hawkins Household Joey is moving in with her little cousin Kyle,,Her her husband,Her three kids.kyle,joey grandpa gave them the house for joey's Wedding gift.This week there moving in and spending time with her cousins and her sister.the house looks small but is charmed in on the inside there are 100 rooms in the house and was remodel into the modern years of the wizarding world. Manning Estate residents Joey Eventide-gothicravenclaw Nate Eventide-hermione8779 Kyleigh "Kyle" Manning-McFeisty Becca Eventide-hermione8779 Neko Eventide-NeroMalfoy Heather Eventide-Becca Rebecca "Becca" Manning-Becca Rosa Cruz-gothicravenclaw First Floor-Main rooms for family and Friends Foyer living room,Dinning Room, kitchen, Movie Theater,Down Stairs bathroom,Main Library, game arcade,Art Studio,Gym,Main Office, Laundry Room,Indoor Pool ,Indoor Skate Park,Vegtable Garden ,Garden,quidditch pitch Second Floor-Adult rooms and Adult guest rooms Joey&Nate's Room, Joey&Nate's Bathroom,Kyle's room,Kyle's Bathroom,Guest Room 1,Guest Room 2 ,Guest Bathroom 1,Guest Room 3,Second Floor Living room,Second Floor Kitchen,Guest Room 4,Alica's Room Guest Room 6,Guest Room 7,Joeys Office,Nate's Office, Adult library Thrid Floor-Teen Zone Hannah's Room,,Hannah's Bathroom,Hannah's Study, Thrid Floor kitchen ,Becky's Room,Becky's Bathroom,Becky's Study, Becky's Room,Teen Main Libary,TTeen Dining Room, Teen Music Room,Teen Cafe,Lazer Tag,Rosa's Room,Rosa's Bathroom, Rosa's Library ,Rosa's Office ,Becca's Room ,Becca's Office,Becca Bathroom Guests
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