❅ Purple Lightsaber ❅| | Captain Sarcastic | 10. Arithmancy -- Number Two Means Harmony, Unity, or Relationships “SELENA!” Caroline threw her arms around the shorter Slytherin, even shorter than Caroline.
“CAROLINE! What are you doing?” Selena asked pulling a sweet from her back pocket.
“I working on my Arithmancy homework.” Caroline frowned.
“EW” Selena replied, confused she asked “Why on earth are you working on that number thingy?”
“Because I‘m trying to be a responsible fifth year owl student.”
“Oh” Sel replied, half paying attention to Caroline.
She giggled. “I just don’t understand why the number two means harmony, unity, or relationships.”
“I don’t even understand any of it” Sel said nomming on her sweet.
“That candy looks good” She grinned.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Bread!
Last edited by SarcasticStrawberry; 04-06-2011 at 09:46 PM.