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Old 03-14-2011, 11:30 PM   #17 (permalink)
Berty Borr

Very Busy & Important
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Originally Posted by Ama View Post
There was a dias. Of course. There was a throne dias.

The man tried sinking into his hair, massive hand hiding half of his angular face. Fortunately, his mess of dirty blond hair was long enough to hide part of his blush. It didn't, however, make him invisible to everyone as much as he would will it; he often wished it was long enough to keep his gray-blue eyes from finding his Uncle Bert, wobbling around with his scepter.

Merlin, he was embarrassing.

It wasn't as embarrassing as the shirt he had been forced to put on that morning. Ocean Tea Jones sank deeper into his chair, wondering what would it take for this party to end abruptly. A Hippogriff stampede? A sudden swarm of billywigs?

And now children were going to sing. Children. Singing. Last encounter Ocean had with Hogwarts' children didn't leave him with lasting impressions about their singing prowess. They were; however, extremely good at setting off booby traps.

Ocean snorted behind a hand, hiding his smile effectively mostly from his Uncle rather than the source of his amusement: the obviously foolish girl. Who willingly volunteered for this kind of embarrassing thing? Did she have no pride? She was obviously a Gryffindor.

Lord Borr's nephew, Thomas Borr, was NOT doing as he was supposed to. Lord Borr should have KNOWN better. "THOMAS. GET UP AND HELP THESE CHILDREN UP ON THE DAIS." MERLIN. "THEN STAND BY ME. You're my NEPHEW and you're supposed to BE BY MY SIDE."

Lord Borr tried to hit the young slacker that shared Borr's blood, but he was just out of reach.

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
So it was down to him screwing up, rather than someone on Borr's team? Fine. Whatever.

"I'm afraid they're unavailable for singing right now, sir," Tate put his hand on Lexi's other shoulder and snaked her back around to stand nearer to him. He wanted a buffer between his kids and the man with the flailing cane. "But Miss Denver and I would like to sing you a special rendition of the school song."

And maybe any other students who felt brave enough would join them.
"You're afraid? What sort of Headmaster is afraid? I expect BETTER, Mr. Tate. BETTER! You hold the FUTURE of our world in your little school." He waved a hand that they could proceed. They WERE, after all, BURNING DAYLIGHT. Lord Borr had been GENEROUS to have this party at ALL with SO MUCH to DO.

It was rude of the Hogwarts folks to waste SO much time when there was SO much to do.

Originally Posted by Christelle Rochebarron View Post
Christelle stood by quietly, a pursed smile on her fleshy lips. The students of Hogwarts looked so adorable from where she stood with their wide eyes and crookedly open little mouths. It made her heart ache for about a few seconds. Poor darlings. They looked as lost and confused as baby deer.

"Oh, my!" commented Christelle, clasping her hands and leaning forward slightly. "A song directly from the Headmaster's lips. Indeed, this can only happen for Lord Borr."

Another boy joined them and Rochebarron watched him through her lashes cautiously. He looked a little sickly. Perhaps he was a victim of stage fright?
"Ah. My Christelle. Did you hear the Headmaster blame YOU for their not being prepared? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Don't YOU expect better?" Lord Borr CERTAINLY did.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi stood frozen in place for a moment. Musical? They had prepared something? As long as there was a piano, Kurumi could play something for the others to sing to.

Still clutching the box of cookies in her hands, Kurumi decided first that she should thank Lord Borr for the invitation.

Taking a timid step forward, Kurumi approached him and first bowed at a deep 90 degrees. "Lord Borr," Kurumi said taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "My name is Kurumi Hollingberry. I am a second year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy and I would like you to accept this box of cookies that I baked as my humble way of offering thanks to you for inviting me here today."

Kurumi bowed again and extended her hands forward with the box of cookies held in them.

"HO HO HO!!!" Lord Borr BOOMED just like Santa. "HOOOOOOOOO indeed!" He clapped and kicked and jigged. "Another young Gryffindor? Who is their Head of House? Are they here? I see SOME house is doing it right at that SCHOOL!!!"

To the young Kurumi, Lord Borr bowed and stooped to be nearer to her. "Welcome Miss Hollingberry and thank you KINDLY for your GIFT!" He took the cookies and tore into them almost immediately.

Now that the CHILDREN of Hogwarts HAD indeed, in spite of Mr. Tate's foolishness, joined him on the dais, he sat back down to listen to them sing. "Go on children! Sing for your Ministry!" He set the crowd to PRE-APPLAUSE. "Don't be shy! SING!"

Someone unimportant whose name slips my memory made this signature.
Twas Lady Borr who did it, sir!
Boor's bringin' sexy back and yall just hatin'
Kingston: Marry me my lord. We're perfect for each other.
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