Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna "For a little while," Simon admitted as he stepped back, looking to Carter as he seemed incredulus about his decision. "But it wasn't like they were directly against each other," he added before looking back to Josh and continuing. "But I took a chance and trusted him"
The sixth year went quiet letting Carter speak, nodding occasionally in understanding and agreement to the other boy's words. He himself was trying his best to think of more words or actions to work this whole situation to a managable conclusion. "Now its time for you to trust me. " the captain replied speaking up once more staring his friend down slightly. "Carter's right...Evelyn will be ok. The game wouldn't have continued if she hadn't been.....I would have fought that. Or did you not notice me down on the field with Aaron, Vindictus and the healer looking after Evelyn?"
He had gotten his chance to be up close to the injured girl as she had been passed by the group on the way to the hospital wing. Sure she had been unconscious but with what had happened that was to be expected. It had also been a quaffle not a bludger and a bounce off not a direct hit like from a beater so it was even a little gentlier. SImon then made a decision to trust Josh once more, his own wand out this time as his other hand pressing Josh close to the lockers again. "Now I'm going to free you but you need to stay calm. If you can manage that we'll take you up to the hospital wing. If not we wait until you do," he instructed the captured player. He hoped the desire to see Evelyn would take control and he would behave. "Finite..." he cast finally dropping Carter's spell.
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