9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev 'So? I cannot move or speak. What are you going to do?'
As he still stared at Carter with angry eyes, Josh thought he had seen the same angry glint in the other boy's eyes for an instant. He was ready for a punch back, a kick or any kind of attack on him now and he had no problem with it. Only cowards, he thought, would attack a petrified target. However the next moment Josh realised that he was wrong to expect that from him. Instead he was talking about taking him to see Evelyn. Seriously? 'To see your nice handiwork?'
Then he heard Simon's voice too talking about his situation not being suitable to go and see anyone. As if he was going to be able to see her again. They must have been kidding him, were not they? He closed his eyes as the captain pushed him to the locker, feeling his back hitting it. And when he started to speak again, Josh opened his eyes and looked at him.
Considered banning him because of that? Hearing this was about to make the Gryffindor boy angrier yet when he heard his friend's next words, it kinda make the urge stop. And as he got a little bit calmer, he could see that Simon was right...at one point. That he had trusted him and Josh could not keep it. He was really sorry for that. But he had his reasons. Love for Quidditch? Try love for Evelyn! There was no way they could be compared.
Because that Slytherin girl was not only a mere girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend currently, for him. So far he had known her for a couple of years and she was also a friend to him, she was also a sister to him, she was everything to him. Considering that what did they expect him to do? How did they think he would react and should have reacted to what had happened?
The boy kept staring at Simon once he was done speaking then after a minute so he moved his gaze back on Carter. He did not feel happy to be forced to attack a friend of him either. But he just had killed her. The image of her lying there motionless was still in his mind and it was not going to left its place forever. On purpose or not. He had KILLED her. He had taken his soul with it. Now it was like the meaning and purpose of his life gone, how did they expect him to take it?
Now the fact that Evelyn was gone totally vanished his anger and left its place to agony. And as he looked back at Simon's face who seemed completely dissappointed with him, he really tried hard not to let that single tear left his eye.
The last thing he wanted was to be seen weak. Because he was NOT weak.
__________________ Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy... ...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him. |