Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee "Wanted to leave a buffer for your big head," Hunter called back in her sweetest tones, following up with a cheerful little flip of her hair. Cut her budgets and require her to write dull Op-Ed stuff all the time and the wrath of this journalist would rain down upon you. Such was life.
As for Lyric, Hunter had abandoned the woman throwing a cranky tantrum at the check point. And if Ian wanted to find her, he could send out a search party.
"You," she turned and gave Damien a look. A good look, but a look nonetheless. "You are going to get me in trouble with my boss. I only rip people into nice even-sized pieces. Shreds are so undignified."
__________________ ★ Dawn ★
Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest |