Saterday March 12th 2011
April of 2074 (IC-wise) Classes In Session Muggle Studies 2; here; All years, first through seventh
History of Magic 2; here; All years, first through seventh ((temporarily closed, but WILL reopen soon, so keep your eyes peeled!))
Arithmancy 2; started here,
now here; All years, first through seventh ((bring an open mind))
Astronomy 1; here; All years, first through seventh ((bring comfortable clothing and your minds))
Care of Magical Creatures 2; here; All years, first through seventh ((Be sure to post
here first and follow all the rules the professor has set in the contract -- currently closed, but should reopen soon - so again, keep a look out!))
*Reminder: Do NOT post your late arrival. Just pretend like you were there the whole time. And please do adhere to the class rules, as it is the best way to show respect to the professors and avoid point loss.
Scheduled Classes Transfiguration Lesson 3; Hogwarts Grounds; Monday March 14th @ 6pm GMT approx. Class will stay open for 3 or 4 days. ((Extra: Common sense. Make sure you bring it, along with your wands.....An ability to handle animals would come in handy as well.))
Homework Potions 3
Word search sheet
ooc from Droo: I found this online so I tweaked it and am using it. You can either print it out do the word search and scan it... or, you can use paint to edit the file to do the word search... or you can use the red and green letters and numbers... like Bubotuber is C3 - K3
Worth: 10 points
Due: One week from this post.
Be Sure to Include: User/Member Name, User/Member ID Number, and assignment title (Potions Assignment 3)
Divination 2
1. Give a brief definition of what Pyromancy is.
2. Choose one of the subsets of pyromancy we discussed during class (the types, that is) that you find interesting in some way, and write a good-sized paragraph explaining why. (this could be because you find it odd, disgusting, fascinating, whatever piques your interest. And a good-sized paragraph has at least 7-8 sentences.)
Extra credit: Create your own NEW type of pyromancy, and explain how it works. Give it a name, tell me what is used when practicing it, give a symbols list if you like (and if said type would even use one). However, DO NOT actually try and perform it anywhere in the castle, or any points you would get will be null and void.
Worth: 8 (up to 10 with the extra credit)
Due: March 19, 5 am GMT (that should equate to roughly 9 pm PST, on March 18th. If my math is correct.)
Be sure to include:
Character Name:
User Name:
User ID:
Assignment Name: Divination Lesson 2 Homework
Herbology 1
Write 1 parchment (minimum 5 sentence paragraph) about another dangerous plant that wasn't discussed or handled in class. Explain how to care for the plant, why it's considered to be dangerous, and if any part of it is used in medicines or potions.
Worth: 5 points
Due: 14 MAR @ 11:59pm EST
Be sure to include: User/Member Name, User/Member ID Number, and assignment title (Herbology Lesson #1 Homework). And remember, PM TO Professor Vindictus with Herbology Homework as the title.
If you encounter any questions regarding the assignments, feel free to PM myself (imaginarynumb3rs), Lindsey (Lindzers), Wenz (Wenzlebug) or the Professor who assigned the homework.
Extras Hogwarts Grounds: Our dear Groundskeeper Stryker has a lot on his mind lately. Make sure to keep an eye on these hot spots for any volunteers he might be looking to lend a hand or two or four in doing some light chores around the grounds.
The Student Gardens: Everyone likes the student gardens well maintained. Have a knack for Herbology? Then why not offer your assistance in helping to ensure the plants are well nourished?
Hogwarts Library: Perhaps you are one who enjoys the books and spends way too much time inside reading/studying? If this is you, then try offering out your assistance to re-shelving/organizing books to Madame Donovan.
Animal Collective: Have no qualms of dealing with animals? Then the Animal Collective is the best place for you. Twenty different animals roaming free in an enclosure, that is quite a big number, isn't it? Professor Saylen could really use some apt, kind volunteers.
***SPECIAL EXTRAS*** Young Wizards Hunting Organization: A club for students interested in practicing the safe care of creatures (both magical and nonmagical) when said creatures are either threatened by or about to threaten muggles and/or wizards. Methods practiced will be both magical and nonmagical. Their first meeting is going on now, so pop on in and join!
Muggles Club: The purpose of this club is to discuss what muggle diseases and ailments could be cured by a potion, then propose it to the ministry. Headed by Professor Lafay, this is a great way to practice your potion-making-skills, talk about applicable, real-life situations, and potentially influence the wizarding world. (They've just started their second meeting, so be sure to check it out - even if you didn't go to the first one, you can still join!)
Find anyplace else that you think would be a good addition to this 'extras' list for Badgers to know about? Please send a PM to one (or both) of your House Prefects, or Quidditch Captain.
Today, Saturday, 12 MAR 2011 @ 2pm EST, is the Gryffindor v.s. Slytherin match! The stands should be opening any moment now, so be sure to get yourself a good seat and cheer, cheer, cheer!
House Points Gryffindor: 1582 Slytherin: 1436 Ravenclaw: 1147 Hufflepuff: 1001 Prefect's Note
Hi again!
In the last Herald, Captain Melanie urged us to pull ahead - and now look at the hourglass: 1001 points! That's
over 1000 points! THAT'S TERRIFIC!!!! You are all doing so wonderful and staying so diligent! And I just know, with gobs of new point opportunities heading our way soon, we can really fulfill the second part of her goal!
As for myself, I have my own little goal for everyone: HAVE FUN! We only have a couple more months to go before the term ends, and this time can easily become very overwhelming and stressful with all the exams coming up, but stay positive and don't be afraid to take a little break every now and then!
Aside from normal end-of-term exams, O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s are just around the corner. These tests are really scary, so please wish the fifth and seventh years good luck - and don't be afraid to offer your assistance with studying! And to everyone taking them, you will do brilliantly! You are all wonderful, hardworking students, and you'll do great!
Lastly, the Gryffindor v.s. Slytherin match is today! They've practiced really hard, so let's go cheer them on! I hope to see you in the stands!
Prefect Wesley Reagan