This is my last brainchild, I swear. Wowza! Sterling was happily humming under his breath to an extremely old Celestina Warbeck song as he joined the people standing already in line. It was really quite a bit of good luck that the day he started at the Ministry happened to be a Holiday of sorts. Honestly, the twenty-two year old man wasn't all that sure closing down the Ministry of Magic was even a good idea, even if it was only for a day. But it was not Neil's place to point this out, and truthfully nor did he want to.
There were several women waiting to be checked, he noticed, and he especially noticed a prissy and important-looking ginger standing not too far away. She was sporting an interesting shirt, but Sterling wasn't fussed or put off by it. Catching himself, the young man looked away and employed the back of one of his slender hands to brush his nose lightly. "Neil Sterling, Magical Maintenance," He announced to one of the members of security.
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