Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 666
Hogwarts RPG Name: Melina Morninglory- "Glory" Second Year | WizWorld Universal / Tom Felton for President
New chappie! Oh and a HUGE thank-you to whoever rated my ff 5-stars!!! I am so touched. Thanks to everyone who's been reading my story; I really appreciate it! Chapter Eight: Christmas 25 Dec.
The Weasley home was littered with boxes, wrapping paper, and knitted sweaters. It was also packed with happy friends and family: eight Weasleys (minus Percy), Harry, Tonks and Remus Lupin. Laughter filled the home and drifted out the window, mingled with the delicious aroma of Christmas dinner. “Happy Christmas to you all, the family I have and the family I’ve gained,” smiled Arthur, looking first to his own family and then gesturing to Harry, Remus, and Tonks. “Happy Christmas!” they all said in unison.
Hermione snuggled up with Crookshanks next to the fire in her home. Her parents and extended family were relaxing in the family room. “That was a lovely church service, don’t you think?” commented her mother, Jean. Presents were passed around, and Hermione opened a small red box. Inside was a beautiful gold locket, delicate designs painted on the front and an inscription on the back: “Hermione, you are our greatest gift. Love, Mum and Dad”. Hermione opened the locket and found a tiny picture of herself as a newborn on one side and her parents on the other. “Mum, Dad,” she began, tears sparkling in her warm brown eyes, “it’s so beautiful! Thank you so much!”
Luna and her father sat cross-legged on the beach at Inis Meian in the Aran Islands, looking out at the deep blue water. “Your mother and I came here often; do you remember when we brought you here?” asked Xenophilius softly. “I remember, Dad,” Luna smiled. “I was four, and we decorated half of the beach with shells and rocks and Mum made them change their colors and patterns. It was quite beautiful”. “She was quite beautiful,” Xenophilius smiled, “and so are you, my Luna”.
The terminal ward at St. Mungo’s hospital was decorated cheerfully, with enchanted ornaments changing places on the Christmas tree and real snow falling upon it. Frank and Alice Longbottom were in the back of the room near the tree. Frank was staring at the ornaments, his partially-focused gaze following their movements. Alice sat on the side of her bed, repeatedly saying, “Oh yes, it’s a good day. Lovely, isn’t it?” Neville held his mother’s hand and patiently responded “Yes, it’s lovely, Mum” each time she said it. His grandmother sat stiffly behind him; she never let on that her heart broke every time they visited. They stood to leave. “Oh wait! Wait!” called his mother. “I have a present for you!” Neville paused and opened his hand, waiting for the bubblegum wrapper she would give him as she did each time he visited her. He hugged her close. “Happy Christmas, Mum”.
The dinner was exquisite. Exotic foods and drinks were served to the guests by an army of house elves. There was light chatter and bursts of well-cultured laughter, and the atmosphere itself exuded elegance and grandeur. The Malfoys were gracefully entertaining about 70 of their closest friends. Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle-along with fellow Slytherins Millicent Bulstrode, Violet Downing, and Duncan Burke- were lounging in a room just off the dining hall. They were a fashionable group to look at, the girls wearing chic jewel-colored dresses and the boys in their tuxedos and dress robes. They sat around the room, really having nothing to do except demand that the house elves bring more firewhiskey while their parents weren’t looking.
None of them, save for Draco, even saw their parents for more than a few minutes once dinner had finished. But Lucius practically paraded Draco around, showing off his son and accepting congratulations for raising such a talented young man. “It’s in his blood,” Lucius boasted, “He is living up to the Malfoy lineage”. Draco basked in the praise that came from his parents and the guests; he felt important, admired, even envied. The feeling was positively addictive. He rejoined his classmates, sauntering in as though he owned the world. “Well-the crowned prince has finally graced us with his presence. Should we be bowing to you?” cracked Duncan. Draco smirked. “Shouldn’t you have been doing that all along?” They all laughed- Blaise rolled his eyes. Millicent gave Draco an alluring smile and questioned him with her eyes. His angelic-looking face broke into a wicked grin and he mouthed back to her “Two hours. My room.” She understood and nodded, looking pleased with herself. Pansy, always a little slow on the uptake, noticed her.“What are you nodding for, Millie?” “Oh, nothing,” she replied with a sugar-sweet smile.
Two hours later, the Imperturbable charm kept the noise contained in Draco’s room. Millicent’s hair was plastered to her forehead and Draco’s skin was slick with sweat. “My my,” Millicent giggled, “What would your dear Pansy say?” Draco snorted. “Please, you know she’s my girlfriend for our parents’ sake. She's my trophy, but you are my jewel.” He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. And I’m much more creative in bed, she thought smugly. Draco and I have done things that would blow prissy Pansy’s mind. He pulled her closer, his hands lazily caressing her curves. She snuggled into his warm, bare chest and wrapped herself around him. She didn’t mind being his “mistress”; their year-long affair behind Pansy’s back had to mean she was special to him, didn’t it? She knew that as long as she played it cool and never let on how much she really loved him, she could keep him from pushing her away. Commitment wasn’t exactly his style. For now, she was content with her fantasy. “Happy Christmas, Draco.” “You too, love."
Last edited by steflegan; 04-04-2011 at 01:27 PM.
Reason: minor rewrite and font change