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Team ronmione
Adam went down to the playing field to catch some fresh air. The common room seemed to be teeming with students and the already red and stuffy room was becoming more hot by the second.
He sighed deeply as he saw the practice pitch a distance away, it was all bittersweet, but he let those thoughts fly out his head.Instead he watched someone running at a sprint, wearing a pink track suit.
"A bit Usan Bolt...Don't you say..."Adam said to himself, chuckling watching the track athlete.
"Hey...Nice costume..."Adam called out to the girl, wolf whistling her from afar.
Kurumi slowed down her sprint to a jog and eventually a slow walk when she heard some jerk whistle at her. Ceasing all movement after strenuous exercise could lead to tears in muscle tissue after all.
Using the towel that was hanging around her neck to wipe away some of the sweat from her brow, Kurumi tried to see who it was that had been so primeval in his thinking. She couldn't really tell who it was from where she stood, but she was in no mood to have someone try and distract her from...distracting herself.
Throwing her towel around her neck again, she marched over to the boy and stopped when she was a few feet away. "