Originally Posted by
Emmaleigh took a bite out of an apple as she stepped through the common room door. Looking around, she was stunned by the site before her eyes. Her two best friends were actually there. She hadn't seen either one of them in ages. She couldn't remeber the last time she had seen Brit, but her last meeting with Michael had been right here in the common room. It was when they broke up. Sitting down in the chair opposite them, she propped her feet up. "Hey," she said looking at the two of them.
well this day was turning out better than she thought. Not only was she seeing one of her best friends. The other one appeared right after the other.
"Hi Em." she said a little to loudly than premitted. But she didnt care
"I havent seen you guys in ages." she added
Originally Posted by
Michael White
Laying on the floor at Britts feet patting his belly " Taught a house elf bout proper Biscuts and gravy,Be nice and I will tell her to hook you up too"
Sitting up and leaning head on her knees
" and I have missed yall too. Thought Em could use a bit of breathing room and yall would come around when things were back to normal. looking up at her to gauge the look on her face.
Brittany laughed.
'well in that case i might be nice." she said with a small wink. "
and i havent seen em either. this is the first time i seen the both of you actually." she said
'why would she need some breathing room?" she said curiously?