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Old 03-10-2011, 10:50 PM   #16 (permalink)
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Reap What You Sew

At first, I thought that Artemis had swallowed too much sea water. Man eating plants lose at Hogwarts? Honestly? However, due to the recent developments of one of Professor Vindictus’ less than humane Herbology lesson, I have come to full agree with the fallen goddess. Not only do I agree, I believe that we now know the identity of this man eating plant: a Snargaluff stump.

If you didn’t hear the comment he made to a Miss Kurumi Hollingberry, then you all need to come up for some air. He is quoted telling the young Gryffindor that the Snargaluff stump can not only swallow people whole, but it enjoys chewing humans up so that it can savor the flavor. Clearly, while the Flying turned Herbology Professor is a perfectionist when it comes to his precious Quidditch pitch, he is demented when it comes to plants.

What caused this transformation? Well, upon some research and analyzing the previous god’s and goddess’ work, there is one obvious conclusion: Professor Hecate Lafay. She was seen behind the broomshed before the start of this Herbology lesson. What was she doing there? Well, clearly she wasn’t looking for a golden snitch. It is this nymph’s conclusion that the Potion’s Mistress was having a secret rendezvous with Professor Vindictus and it was not to ask permission to extract fluids and leave from the plant in the greenhouses for her potions cabinet. No, all signs are pointing to her being the master of conspiracy in the disappearance of the original Herbology Professor and for the frenzied transformation of the Flying Professor.

Now it became clear that the note she passed to the innocent Mr. Sabel Darkest were instructions about how to draw the Herbology Professor to the greenhouses with some sort of intelligent question about plants, when what was really happening was an elaborate set up. Perhaps the former Herbology professor refused to allow Lafay free range of his greenhouses as she was so used to having previous terms due to her relationship with Professor Sage A. Dodson? Clearly, she is using her mysterious and dark charm on Professor Vindictus for her own personal benefit.

Be wary, dear Professor as well as all of you, she was not appointed the head she-snake simply because she likes the color green.


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