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Emmy suddenly became aware that she was still clutching the Terry Pratchett. Grinning apologetically, she handed it back. "Sorry! Of course you must have it back! I haven't read it yet - it's the next on my list though! I've read them all up to 'Guards! Guards!' so far - and I've heard some of them on the radio! I think Pyramids is probably my favourite - set in a country called 'the Djel', whose inhabitants are called 'Djelibeybis'!" she giggled, "Sorry, that one works better in print..."
She was impressed. She laughed ecstatic by the coincidence,
"Who's your favorite character? I'm not morbid or anything but I have to say Death is definitely up there for now." After hearing her mention Pyramids she pondered a second looking at the back of library book...
"oh right right, I have that one but haven't gotten to it yet, actually now that I think about it, I have a lot but haven't gotten to them." She shook her head as if telling herself she was dumb/slacking off. She giggled with her as she was trying to tell her the place.
"So, how are classes going? You enjoying your semester?"