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Old 03-10-2011, 12:04 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hunter Carter
First Year

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9 3/4 ticket holder / The SS Mentalist / Sherlock / The Master Of Everything / Josh + <3 = Ev

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Feeling a presence nearby, the small tap against her shoulder confirmed that as she looked to see who it was out of the corner of her eye. She had her suspicions, but she just had to be sure, just in case it was someone she was supposed to be scowling and yelling at. No, it was Josh. Neither of those would probably be any good against him.

Turning her attention back to the trophies, her ears open to what he was saying, there really was no expression on her face to what he was saying. Mostly because...well she didn't even know how to react. She was still winding down from the incident in the classroom. Glancing at him out of the corner of her eye once more as he patted her on the shoulder, she watched him start to walk away before turning her head completely towards him. That was it? He was walking away?

That Swallowing, the Slytherin girl's gaze moved back to the spot he had pointed out, before a small smile replaced the frown on her lips, turning her gaze back to the retreating Gryffindor boy. "I'm sure there will be one there soon. A rather big trophy." she nodded, not looking away from him as she raised a brow. "A trophy to the student for the most interruptions in class. It will be totally...epic."

Haha. Definitely.
The boy was rather slowly approaching the Huffie Puff Prefect names when he heard the Slytherin girl's voice, talking to him, which made him stop after the second maybe third word she pronounced. With a curious smirk on his face, the Gryffindor listened to her carefully without moving and once she was done, he laughed, quite audibly to the ones around them in the room.

Hehe. That was a good one. Seriously...

Raising a playful brow, Josh turned away to face her and spoke right after giving her an obvious and quick once over. ''I was thinking of 'The One to Get Most Detention Experience' but what you have said is good as well.'' Still smiling at her which was probably a very familiar sight to the snake girl, the boy took a few steps forward and stopped right in front of her. His brown gaze landed on the Slytherin crest on her robe then at her beautiful face. ''You don't expect me to believe that you think they were ONLY mere interruptions, do you? I guess not.''

In the next silent moment, Joshua kept his expression same as he glanced in her lovely hazel eyes ''There's a flaw i have seen though.'' were the words he pronounced to go on with his speech ''I could not see a good enough place to put your trophy. Maybe, we can get rid of that Triwizard one for it. That'd be perfect for you.'' again nodding kindly, he turned to walk away but the next moment faced her back as if he had remembered something at the last instant.

''And let me tell you what is yours before you ask.''
The Gryffindor's smile widened a little and he began to walk around her in a circle without moving his gaze away from her, taking a single step at every word he uttered. ''The-Prettiest-Smartest-Most Elegant-Strongest-Most Appealing-Coolest-Most Gifted-and-Capable-Hottest-Most Beautiful-AND-Most Adorable-Girl-Who-Ever-Took-A Step-Into-The Boundaries-Of-Hogwarts'' then he stopped before her again ''Evelyn ROSE Flores Shepard of Slytherin.''

Did she need more compliments? He was not sure but perhaps those were enough just for now. For a seperate moment looking at a nearby student, Josh took a slow breath and once his attention was back to her, he slowly approached to her ear and whispered ''I hope you'll have a very happy and perfect life with whomever you'll marry. never forget that i LOVE you.''

And finally as he slowly retreated, the lion boy stopped just for about a second and kissed the spot on her cheek very close to her lips, VERY briefly before taking two steps back.


While he could still look at her, his hand went to his pocket and grabbed the other peppermint. Of course, after another wink to the Slytherin, he threw the mint in his mouth and not walking away this time, in case she would like to slap him, he just took a decent place next to her and pretended to be very interested in those trophies before him while enjoying the sweet.

It was still a mystery, though, how many times he needed to sacrifice himself in such situations to prove his love to her.

Auror • YATIL_.________The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy...

...but does not allow the enemy's will to be imposed on him.
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