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Kaishu couldn't help but frown. No fangirling for him and his hair? Hogwarts students had certainly changed since his day. He had had to hire off younger students with chocolate frogs to keep the girls out of his way so he wouldn't be late for for classes. Looking at each of the three girls, he began to wonder if any of them knew Kurumi.
"Excuse me," he said clearing his throat and putting his glasses back on more out of disappointment than anything else. "Would any of you happen to know where Kurumi Hollingberry is?"
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Seeing the sign that read Hogwarts Students, Kaishu figured that this would be the place to come if he wanted to speak with Kurumi. She probably didn't remember him, she had only been two years old when they had last met, but he was a very important part of his life and he owed her father so much.
Upon entering the area, he saw two little misses - and one with purple hair! How interesting! - and approached the two with a swagger in his step that only a rock star could manage. "Good day, little misses," he said removing his glasses. They could squeal now, you know, because he was a famous musician.
Satine was startled as a man approached the table. He walked like he was someone important but she wasn't really sure who he was and she was sure there would be plenty of important peeps her tonite. She smiled up at him very nicely and instantly could tell that she hadn't made the reaction he had wanted. She searched her brain trying to figure out who he was. He kind of reminded her of a musician but she wasn't sure.
She smiled up at him again and thought about his question...Karumi...ummm...o yes the cookie girl, "
O, well I saw her in the limousines but I haven't seen her yet. You could either have a seat and wait for her to get through the checkpoint or if you want to leave your name, I'll let her know you are looking for her." she cocked her left eyebrow up at the man and waited for his reply.