YOUR Nixy. || Prefect Rainbows! || Deniz'in Müzik Kardeşi
Iris made her way through all the people with the rest of the Hogwarts students. There were so many adults! Iris didn't like this... it was weird. She much preferred being with people her own age - or more, people who're younger than her.
Smiling brightly at the security employee, Iris decided that, as a prefect, she should at least try to look like she knew why she was here wanted to be here. "Uh... Hullo. I'm Iris Beaumont... One of the Hogwarts students." - - - - - Helena made her way to the security check in.
This party most certainly was not her idea of fun. She'd still made the effort though. Helena wondered if the Hogwarts students had already arrived. Iris had never explained why she was one of the students chosen to come today. She waited in turn for a while, until one of the security blokes were free. Walking up to one of security employees, Helena offered a half-hearted smile. "Helena Beaumont: International Cooperation." Was adding her division necessary, too? Helena wasn't entirely sure. "And ... what is this talk about T-shirts?" Because this woman would not be wearing one of them.
Last edited by Nixy!; 03-08-2011 at 09:52 AM.